Home on the Ranch

Home on the Ranch Book Cover Home on the Ranch

Home on the Ranch is a story of loss and forgiveness. Belle Day is forced to take a job with rancher Cage Buchanan, and he is not happy about it.



Belle’s mother is married to Squire Clay (from the Men of the Double C Ranch series, See the review for “Stay” below.) The Clay and Buchanan families go way back. Unfortunately the history is not good. Therefore, Cage really does not like Belle. Unfortunately, he has his daughter to think about and Belle is his last hope.


Now Belle must live with Cage and his daughter under the same roof and try to not only help Lucy rehab physically, but also rehab Cage’s heart. Now add in a conniving ex, disgruntled grandparents, a horse and secret phone calls and you get a heartwarming story. 


Stubbornness and pride almost keep Cage and Belle apart, until he finally realizes that the only person he really needs and wants is Belle.