As your personal editor, writer and all around go-to person, I am here to help you uncover the treasure that is found through the written word. I am passionate about what I do, and am here to provide you inspiration through my writing, vlogging and photography.
Inspiration for the Day
As the days drawer nearer to Spring, let us all remember to plant flowers and other such delights so that they will bloom and grow to nourish our bodies, warm our hearts as well as decorate our souls. Ahhh Spring, we have been waiting for you!
Latest Blog Posts
2024 Year in Review
It's time for Today's Writing Woman 2024 Year in Review. It's hard to believe that another year is gone, and it's time to reflect on the past 365 days. Where shall I begin? My head is spinning. First Part of 2024 2024 has been quite the year for me and my...
Christmas Sadness
I must admit I am feeling a bit of Christmas sadness. This used to be the time of year when you were filled with cheer and wanted to share it with others, but I have not experienced much cheer this Christmas season. Christmas Tree Card Holder I have a Christmas...
2023 Year In Review
As we wind down the last few hours of December, I thought I would take a moment to write my 2023 Year in Review. This is always a good time to be reflective and try to think about all the positive things that have happened, but naturally, there will be some...
Opinions and Observations
Opinions. Everyone is entitled to have and express them. I have read thousands of them on social media over the years. I rarely comment. Most of the time, I just keep scrolling because it is the OP's opinion, and I don't have anything useful to say, and if I did, I...
Today’s Writing Woman Buys a House
Today's Writing Woman has bought a house. Many thought it could not be done, but we did it! This story is a little out of sequence, but I wanted to document how this part all unfolded before I forgot. This is a lifelong dream realized. I can't believe we did...
Happy Birthday Today’s Writing Woman
Happy Birthday to me, Today's Writing Woman! You made it another trip around the sun. Survived, yet again, a stressful year filled with uncertainty. However, you have much to be thankful for, things are looking brighter, and you have much to look forward to...
Half the Year is Over – July 1, 2023
Half the year is over. Today is July 1, 2023. The beginning of a holiday weekend. This is the time of the year when America commemorates the Declaration of Independence, a document that was ratified by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776,...
House Hunting
House hunting is practically a full-time job. You spend a lot of time searching online. Then you bookmark the ones you like before you go and visit each and every one of those homes you saved. And let's not forget the time you spend scouring the neighborhoods...
One Year Today
One year today, Dad, you left us behind. Your pain and suffering ended May 29, 2022, but ours began that day. For some of us, it has been going on for much longer. The world you left behind is much different than the world you entered. Nothing is the same...
Happy Non-Mother’s Day
Several years ago, I wrote this poem about my feelings about Mother's Day. Since then, this day has been one of my most difficult days. In recent times, I have found resources to help me. There is a book written by Jody Day entitled Living the Life...
What Brings Me Joy
What brings me joy these days has been very little. However, you reach a point in your life when you have to let the sadness go away and seek out the things that make you happy instead of wallowing in the overwhelming. Bogged down in the negativity, we...
Growing Old
Growing old is something we typically don't think about. As a child, you have virtually no cares in the world. Then you become a teenager and have nothing but angst. Then you become a young adult and wiz your way through your 20s and 30s, working like mad to become...
Giving Back
Giving back to my community has never been more important than it is now that I am in the #secondact of my life. For me, now is the time to live as intentionally as possible. In order to do that, I need to make my creative endeavors mean something. Giving...
In Like A Lion
In like a lion, out like a lamb. Not for those of us living in the heartland! The weather here has been anything but that, lol! For the last month, the temperatures have been up and down, the skies gloomy, and the precipitation has been mixed—definitely, a...
Quiet Sunday Mornings
Quiet Sunday mornings have to be one of my favorite times of the week. Everyone is still asleep, the sun hasn't risen yet and there is peace before the world wakes up. It's a time to reflect and relax. Morning Person I am a morning person; always have been. It...
What is Customer Service?
What is customer service if not serving the customers? This is my question for the week. I had two customer service events in the last week that really drove this point home. I have been in this field most of my career. My customer service experiences were...
Perfumes – To Douse or Not To Douse
Perfumes and colognes can be lovely. Whether you realize it or not, dousing yourself in them can be problematic to those around you. When the over usage of either of these products starts to affect others, some may wonder if the wearer recognizes what...
Putting Myself First
Putting myself first is kind of a foreign concept to me. It's no news that I have put other things first in my life before myself. When I hit the big milestone birthday, I vowed I would do things a little differently, coining this time of my life as...
I Cry Every Day
I cry every day For what seems like no reason I cry every day It's my time for this season I miss so many things The least of which is dad He has earned his wings His absence makes me sad Random things bring on the tears No rhyme or reason when they occur Wish I...
End of Another Year
Here we are, the end of another year. A time for reflection they say. As the week was winding down, the voice in my head kept saying, “Man! It’s been a year!” To be honest, I feel like all I have done is sit in doctor’s offices, go to the store, and work. Let’s not...
It’s Christmas Eve
Oh it's Christmas Eve Hope your cares are free And you're right where your heart longs to be You know that All these moments are Like falling stars You blink they fade into the dark So hold on tight to Christmas Eve And we go trust in time Next year our...
It’s Christmas…again
It's Christmas...again. I don't know where this year has gone. Where have the last several years gone? I have been living in a fog for so long that time has just escaped me. My days are filled with work, doctor appointments and phone calls to my...
Paying Respect
I am sitting here this morning in my office/craft room, listening to the softly falling rain and reflecting on the events of the world and in my life these last several months. This week we lost Queen Elizabeth II, the longest reigning monarch in my lifetime. It...
Labor Day 2022
Today is Labor Day. This holiday is always celebrated on the first Monday in September. It is a moment where we pay homage to everything that the American worker has done. I have been a contributing member of the workforce for over 40 years. Probably a lot longer...
The Struggle Bus
I am on the struggle bus, and have been on this ride for some time. To be honest, I am a little annoyed about it. I have never been a fan of riding the bus. It stems from my elementary and high school years. I rode that big, yellow bus for twelve long years and I...
To Celebrate or Not
Whether to celebrate or not, that is the question. Today is August 29, 2022, and it is the third day of my birthday weekend. I did not know if I wanted to celebrate because it's been three months since my dad passed away and I am still really sad....
My Dad
My Dad passed away a month ago at the young age of 88. He became a self-made man after having it rough growing up. He was the glue that held our small family together, and I realize that now. His passing has left a great big hole in the lives of my mom, brother,...
I am coming up on an anniversary. A day, well two days actually, that most would not consider celebratory. I am sure you all have many wonderful anniversaries. When you met someone, first date, an accomplishment, or the most traditional, a wedding. I have those...
A Year at the Chateau by Dick and Angel Strawbridge
A Year at the Chateau, what an accompaniment to an enthralling show! Our neighbors across the pond are well acquainted with British couple Dick and Angel Strawbridge. For the rest of us, we get the opportunity to hear about their adventures in owning a 19th-century...
The Winds of Change
I lay there listening to the Winds of Change. Well not really, but the winds howled pretty good last night. They set in motion a slew of memories for me; some good, and some not so much. It's no secret that I am not a fan of the wind. It started many, many years...
Health Woes – Anxiety, Relief and a Yo-Yo
Maintaining good health is extremely important. Daily life becomes much like a yo-yo with constant ups and downs when you don't. No one ever intends to live like this, but sometimes it happens when you set out on a journey to better health. For us, it has been...
A Little Me by Amy Roloff
I was cleaning my office space over the holiday weekend and found a stack of books that I have not read yet. Picking up A Little Me by Amy Roloff, and holding it in my hand reminded me why I decided to launch this website so many years ago. All my life, I...
It’s New Year’s Eve
It's New Year's Eve. Another 365 days around the sun. It's been quite a year; quite the two years! A complete change in lifestyle for so many. Losses, heartache, uncertainty, anxiety, aggravation, and chaos. Although not completely unscathed, we made it here...
Year-End Thoughts for 2021
It's time to share some year-end thoughts again. What happened to 2021? As we inch closer to 2022, I can't help but wonder in amazement how I made it through another year of this crazy pandemic. How did we all get this far really? It has been two long years, and we...
It’s Christmas Eve
It's Christmas Eve, a time to believe, but when all is uncertain close the curtain, and quietly reflect on the season's effect. Some things are out of control, we can't help feeling a little less whole. Being told this and that the answers are not just pat. I don't...
Unanswered Questions
As the years go by, the number of unanswered questions in my life continues to grow. There is a litany of them, and during the holidays, they become more pronounced than any other time of the year. It seems that every path I take adds more questions with no...
Thankful and Blessed
Thankful and blessed is the way I need to feel this year. For the last year, my family has been on the rollercoaster of a lifetime. I pray daily to stop the ride and get off, but I know that there is a reason we are on it. Just wish it would really end soon....
Being Seen and Heard
Being seen and heard is one of the many reasons why most writer's write. I am no exception. A writer also spends a lot of time listening and observing. While it feels like forever since you've heard from me, it doesn't mean that I am not writing. I have been doing...
Happy Birthday Eve to Today’s Writing Woman
Happy birthday eve to me. As I sit hit here in my office on this hot, muggy morning, I am contemplating all the changes of this last year. The pandemic of 2020 sure threw my life into a tizzy. I am not the same person as I was, but yet, in my heart I still am to...
Christmas in Peony Harbor by Rosie Summers
Christmas in Peony Harbor by Rosie Summers is an unexpected Christmas holiday romance story, and one of the sweetest ones I have read in a long while. Christmas and romance stories are two of my favorite things. When they are combined, I am a really happy...
The Long Drive Home – My Next Adventure Part 6
It was, indeed, going to be a long drive home. A drive that I had hoped to be an easy 2200 mile trek across the country. Heading to a brand new state, and a new (albeit temporary) place that was patiently waiting for us to move in. My hopes were dashed when we had...
Built Together by Mina Starsiak Hawk
I love to read. Most times, I gravitate towards the same genre. Then I feel like I am stuck in a rut. When this happens I need a complete reset. I pick up something that years ago I would never consider. I often pick up a children's book is when I loose interest in...
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charles Mackesy
I have been a book lover since I was old enough to read. It seemed that there were never enough books to keep me satisfied. The older I got saw me leaning towards one genre versus others. As an adult, I began to write and started sharing reviews of the books I...
Packing & Moving – My Next Adventure Part 5
The hardest part about moving is the packing. This wasn't going to be easy. It's been 20 years since we made a move of this magnitude. Now we are about to pack up our entire lives, leave our home in Healdsburg, California and and ship ourselves 2500 miles back to...
Reflections of a Year Lost, Promises for a New Year
It's January 1st, and I am sitting here with my laptop, pulling together reflections of a year lost, and making promises for a new year yet to be told. I always like to take the first day of a new year to ponder memories while looking towards a brighter...
Having Faith – My Next Adventure Part 4
During the months of August and September, I felt like I was perpetually "on the hunt" for that dream job I always wanted. After sending out way to many resumes and applications, I needed to sit back and wait. It was really difficult for me because I grew up...
Job Search- My Next Adventure Part 3
A job search is never easy. Searching for a new job during a pandemic, well... let's just say it puts a whole new spin on things. It wasn't going to be easy, and I fully expected it was going to take some time. I had been doing a lot of online reading so I knew...
Educate Myself – My Next Adventure Part 2
Part two of My Next Adventure would lead my down the path of "What do I want to do with the rest of my life?" While I am still feeling pretty good, I really had the desire to retire right alongside my husband. However, the financial sense part of me was speaking...
My Next Adventure – Part 1
My next adventure began May 22, 2020. It was the last day that I worked for the company I grew to love over the last five years. At the time, I didn't know I wouldn't be going back. Many thought I would be returning, including myself. But the Covid-19 pandemic had...
My Old Friend Has Returned
My old friend has returned, and I have waited a long while for her to come back to me. I am jumping for joy! Who is she you ask? It's my previous domain, Today's Working Woman. She is here and I am happy to announce that she is all mine! Today's Working Woman and I...
I Lost My Job and How I Defined My Identity
July 31, 2020 was my last day of work for a wonderful small organization near where I live. I knew it would happen when the pandemic hit. It was only a matter of time. I lost my job, and as a result, my identity. Work was how I defined myself, but was I right with...
Moments of Inspiration When I Least Expect It
Tomorrow, I will begin my fourth week of furlough, and I am finding moments of inspiration when I least expect it. Walking through the maze that seems to be my "new normal", I recognize these moments every time I get distracted with something different I want to...
In My Garden
Time Off – An Unexpected Pandemic Gift
After working for years, I am finally able to enjoy some down time. I am calling it my Pandemic Time Off. A chance to take a much needed vacation, albeit unpaid, but a recess nonetheless from the everyday norm that was my life. Here was my chance to finally...
Love With An Imperfect Bride by Ann Major
"Love With An Imperfect Bride", I have to admit, was a little outside of my reading comfort zone. In an email about Ann Major, she is described as a "Bestselling Author of Short, Spicy, Contemporary Romances." I would like to add one more word to that...
Happy Mother’s Day 2019
Happy Mother's Day 2019 Another year has come and gone. Where has the time gone? I feel like it was just Christmas. But alas, it is Mother's Day again, and I made a big decision. I am done feeling sorry myself. What's the point? Life is too short to...
Signs of a Great Vacation
The signs of a great vacation are different for everyone. For me, they are quite simple. My list is below. Depending on what you like to do, yours could be completely different or similar to mine. No matter what, vacations are important because they give us...
Sunday Morning Musings
Sunday morning...and the thermometer in my car is registering 40 degrees. If you're not used to it, this temperature can make you feel really chilled to the bone, but for others, it can seem like a heatwave. As odd at it sounds, I am cold but not freezing....
My Journey to Better Female Health – Part One
I've always thought I was in pretty good health. But over the years, I let myself go and last year I decided to go on a journey to better female health. With weight gain and plumbing issues, it's time to figure out how to fix everything. My Story I've always had...
Book Review: Capital Gaines by Chip Gaines
After reading Capital Gaines - Smart Things I Learned Doing Stupid Stuff by Chip Gaines, I realized that I had the rare opportunity to write a review about a book that touches my heart in a resounding way. While this is just one man's journey to find...
Inspirational Quote of the Day – 9/9/18
Given all the negativity I am seeing everywhere, I thought I would share a daily Inspirational Quote to help everyone see the positive in the day. May you find that these messages bring you peace and joy into your life while I continue to recover from my own...
Music, Movies and Books – Shaping the Story of My Life
Music, movies and books have shaped the story of my life. The arts, in general, have honed and helped me to become the person that I am today. I can't imagine what my life would have been like without having these be such a strong influence in the way I...
How to Start Writing from a Realist’s Perspective
I was recently asked for advice on how to start writing. After thinking about it, I realized that I did have something to offer on the topic. I thought, "Why not?" I have a pretty interesting story and while I am a realist, perhaps I could share a tip...
When Life Hands You Lemons, Make Lemonade
Life changes can be a struggle. I know because I feel like I have been living in a perpetual state of struggle for months! What is that saying? "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." I'd like to say, "What a crock!" The truth is that those lemons made me stop...
January – Accomplishments and New Focus
I love January. It is a time for accomplishments and new focus. For me, the month is half over, and at first I didn't think I had any accomplishments. Once I thought about it, I realized that I actually did get quite a few things done. ...
2017 – A Year in Review for Me
As the year comes to a close, it is inevitable that we all sit back and reflect on the past 12 months. For my family, it is no different. We’ve experienced both highs and lows like previous years, but overall I think 2017 was a pretty good year for our family. 2017...
Guilty Feelings During the Sonoma County Wildfires
I feel guilty. Sonoma County, the area I have called home for the last 19 years, went up in flames in the wee hours of the morning on October 9, 2017. While I was preparing for an orientation of a group of new hires, others were fleeing for their lives. I was...
Autumn Memories – From My Garden
Happy October 1st Everyone! This picture collage customized with Smilebox Wishing you moments to just...
My Secret Relationship with Jealousy
I've had something on my mind for awhile. Probably shouldn't be sharing it, but nonetheless, I am human and feel the need to bare my soul. You might not believe this, but the truth is, I've had a secret relationship with jealousy for a long time. It got out...
TWW Book Review – Melissa Explains It All
I finished reading Melissa Explains It All by Melissa Joan Hart. I have been trying to finish this for quite some time, but much like my last autobiography, there was something that kept me from completing it. I must have instinctively...
When Words Fail, Music Speaks
The title of this post just so happens to be an amazing line from tonight's movie on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, Sound of Christmas. Music has always been an important part of my life. My love for it has never wavered. It helped me through whatever...
Doing Something Different
It's Day 9 of Christmas in July, and I have decided that I don't have to do things the way I have always done them. I have heard that you have to shake things up once in awhile. Today I am doing something different for myself. Making Changes Sleep until I...
A Poem – Ode to Saturday
Ode to Saturday Hello Saturday I've been waiting all week Time to sleep in Dare I speak Summer is here The sun comes up early I wake before dawn Feeling a bit surly Can't sleep in No matter what I do Too much to get done Let the chores ensue Whip...
Hello Weekend! How Are You?
Hello Weekend! How are you? It's been a whole seven days since we last saw each other. A hectic week for me, and one where I did not get as much done as I would have liked. As weeks go, however, it was not all that bad. In fact, I would say it was pretty darn...
Grateful on Day 6 of Christmas in July
The days are flying by as always. Wasn't it just Spring? What happened to June? Seems like yesterday was July 1st, and now here we are six days in. As I sit here tonight, there are two words on my heart that are asking me to pause and reflect upon them - "grateful"...
Discovering Places to Find Encouragement
As I think about all the great things I have experienced in the last year, there is one thing that I wished I had found sooner in my life. From time to time we all need to receive a little encouragement. Even me! I found that I need to visually see that "I can...
Happy Fourth of July
Wishing all my readers a Happy and Safe Fourth of July! Enjoy your time with family and friends and be sure to stop by again! Wishing you moments to celebrate! ...
Stress Reducer – Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
As Day 3 of my Christmas in July Celebration comes to a close, I have decided that my gift for today is to share the fact that I am enjoying life more because I "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff". In the past, I let many, many little things get the best of me. However,...
Fairy Garden – A Magical One of My Own
For the longest time, I have wanted to make a fairy garden. Since I love all thing garden, I feel that it would make a great addition to my already growing green space. Cute and charming and totally magical, they are everything you could ever want to expand and...
Celebrating Christmas in July
I love Christmas so much that sometimes you have to do it twice! The official time of the year for this holiday can sometimes be stressful. I have always felt that celebrating it during a month that is a little more laid back can have its rewards. That is why when...
Rules of the Road – Paying Attention
Have you noticed how many drivers don't follow the common rules of the road anymore? On any given night driving home from work, a short 1.6 mile stretch, I witness anywhere from three to a half dozen or more violations that most drivers don't even give a second...
Purging the Creative Space for my Muse
I have been spending a lot of my free time lately purging. My Muse has been on strike until I cleaned up my creative space. Clearly she thinks that too much stuff in too small a space will lead to artistic blocks in all aspects of my life. Too Much Stuff...
Appearance – Never Judge a Book by Its Cover
I was as the laundromat this morning. Actually, have not been in about a month. Not a big deal because we were on vacation. To be honest we have enough clothes to last a month. This morning was different because I did not get going at 4:00am like I usually do....
Book Review: This Time Together – Laughter and Reflection
I just finished reading This Time Together: Laughter and Reflection by Carol Burnett. There is just something about hearing her name that automatically puts a smile on your face. Could it be her infectious smile? Perhaps it is the familiar...
Moving Sadness and Cathartic Packing
My office is moving this coming week. This is my second move since I've been with this company. My colleague, whom I share the space with, has already packed up his stuff, and will be gone on vacation when the big move happens. I'm left to box up the...
Beauty and the Beast – Movie Review
I just got back from seeing Beauty and the Beast, the highly anticipated 2017 live action adaptation of the original Disney movie. I've been waiting for all these many months and was looking forward to seeing the flick in the theater rather than on DVD. There...
Vacation…A Time to Recharge
I have been on vacation since this past Thursday. It is a short one, only four days. However, it is just enough time to recharge and decompress from the pressures I have been under. Everything had seemed to be bothering me lately to the point I was ready to...
Creature of Habit Seeks Change
As a lifelong creature of habit, I tend to watch the same movies, eat/drink the same food/beverage, wear the same clothes. Okay you get it. When I find something I love, I latch onto it for dear life and hope that the DVDs don't wear out, they stop making the...
Remembering A Colleague with a Prayer Request
Today I am remembering someone. I am involved with an organization in which I help manage called Proverbs & Wisdom (P&W). It has been a tough couple of days for P&W's founder, Ashley Ormon, and myself. We are in mourning for...
Book Review: The Magnolia Story by Chip and Joanna Gaines
After watching them on television for three seasons, you would think that Chip and Joanna Gaines would be larger than life. Perhaps they are, but I had to know for sure. So I was thrilled to learn that they published The Magnolia Story. I put it on my...
Reading is Fundamental to My Life
Reading has always been important part of my life. To me, it is as fundamental as food, water and air. As a child I loved to read and the passion has grown over the years to the point where I now read several books at a single time. You might be wondering...
2017 – The Year of Discovery for Me
I have been thinking about the year ahead. January is almost over and it is time to put my plans in motion. I've had some time to really think about what I want to accomplish this year. In my mind it is shaping up to be a year of discovery on many levels. I...
Poem – Today I Did Something
I am not very good at writing poetry. I suppose it is because it is a genre I am not very comfortable writing. Today I was inspired to write about something I did today. I hope you enjoy this fun little poem. Today I Did Something - A Poem Today I did...
Book Review: True Strength by Kevin Sorbo
Picking up a copy of True Strength by Kevin Sorbo allowed me to finally get back to what brings me joy - reading and writing book reviews. Over the years, I have always found a connection within the pages of some amazing stories that somehow...
Moving Forward into Happy New Year for 2017
Happy New Year to all my readers! Here's to a fabulous 2017 and moving forward! Are your ready for it? Another year and another opportunity to start over, right?! But wait a minute...I have a thought to share. When we wake up every morning, isn't that our...
2016 – A Year in Review for Me
Well, it is that time again; my 2016 Year in Review. While I hoped this past year would have been spectacular (it wasn't), and least I can say it was interesting. Let's take a look at some of the highlights shall we? Year In Review Last year at this time, I...
Liberation Sought With A Front End Loader
There comes a point in your life when enough is enough. These last several weeks I have reached that pinnacle, and have finally decided to seek liberation with a Front End Loader. Starting with my personal space and working outward, the time has finally come...
Goodbye October, Hello November
Goodbye October...Hello November. Another month gone. Ending on a day that rained and rained...and brought three Trick or Treaters to my door. Halloween always goes by so quickly, but the next two months are a treasured time for me. How about you?...
Poppin’s Pumpkin Patch Parade
Poppin's Pumpkin Patch Parade by Diane Yslas and Kimberly J. Brown is a delightful Halloween story for youngsters. All you might remember Ms. Brown as she played the role of "Marnie Piper" in Disney's Halloweentown I, II, & III. In her latest adventure, she...
A Love to Call Mine by Merrillee Whren
I went into reading A Love to Call Mine by Merrillee Whren without any preconceived ideas. I did not read the synopsis or any of the reviews so I had no idea of the story's focus. It allows me to be more in tune when I read. Also,...
Time for Fall Garden Cleanup
While my husband is recuperating from a nasty cold, I decided to go outside and take stock of my front garden. Here in NorCal, it is still sunny and warm even though it is October. Nevertheless, I am ready for my Fall Garden Cleanup. Fall Garden Cleanup...
Rain Today…Here to Stay
It rained today...the first drops of water from the sky for Fall/Winter 2016. I love the rain and here in NorCal, we desperately need it. Hopefully it will extinguish the last of the fires nearby. Rain Clouds I am sitting here in my room, putting away the...
Ode to Fall – My Favorite Time of Year
Well, we just survived another September. Today is October 1st and I think that Fall is finally here! The nights are crisp and cool. My Sunflowers are in bloom, the kids are back in school, and Halloween is a mere 30 days away. Yes...Fall...
Falling for the Millionaire by Merrillee Whren
These days, it seems that many of the "romance" books that I see marketed on the leading social media sites are geared less toward the imagination and more toward detail. While I don't mind either, I like to see more of what I used to read long ago -...
SNKnits – Handmade items to treasure
There are those rare moments when you meet someone remarkable. While we have not spoke in person, I have gotten to know Annie Moore through Facebook where we started to communicate on a page of a mutual friend. Since then, I have watched her...
A Place to Call Home by Merrillee Whren
"A Place to Call Home" by Merrillee Whren is much more than your average romance story. As an avid reader of the genre, I would know. I've read hundreds upon hundreds of books in this category. On the surface it fulfills the necessary requirements, but looking...
Snowflakes and Christmas Cakes
I am happy to announce that I am back with my book reviews! To start off this season's reviews, I begin by saying that I have been loving the writing from authors based out of the UK lately. I especially enjoy when the books they write incorporate...
Labor Day Appreciation
Today is Labor Day. A day we pay homage to all workers, past and present, responsible for all contributions made to strengthen the well-being of our country. Created by the labor movement, we celebrate the first Monday of every September as...
Love one another
"Love one another.” We have all heard these words. In the last several years, I am seeing less of “loving one another” and more uprising against each other. Many of us stand helpless, with diminished spirits, wondering how we stop it. As a child, I...
Never Enough Time In My Day
In my world, there seems to be never enough time to... clean up the bedroom, that doubles for my office/studio; finish that shredding project laying on the floor; put away all the clothes laying on the chair; hem those pants that I spent all that money on and can't...
On my days off, I tend to reminisce about my past. I think about all sorts of things. Some make me laugh, more often than not, they make me cry. Today, however, I am not crying. I am just thinking about making new memories. Slowing Down and Making New Memories...
Book Review: Humble & Kind
Some books grab you in an instant and hold on to your heart forever. Humble & Kind, by Tim McGraw is one of those books, and was written from the heart to express one of the world's most profound truths. Humble & Kind - A Profound Truth Humble...
Book Review: Chocolate Lover’s Club
I am so happy to be writing book reviews again. It was difficult to pick which one I wanted to do first. Typically, I will be writing them as I finish what I read, however, I am far behind on my reviews and thought if I don't get started, I'll never get caught up....
A Reflective Look at Mother’s Day
Another year gone, and May is here with Mother’s Day knocking on my door. Time to mourn the fact that I am not a mom...or so I thought. I searched through my blogs and found last year’s ode to the very subject. Surprisingly, I did not cry when I read it....
Restless Heart
Early this morning, I was at the laundromat waiting for my clothes to dry when my "restless heart" came alive after reading the following quote : I think most folks are born with restless hearts of one variety or another. And they keep on feeling that...
Making It Happen – The Relaunch of Today’s Writing Woman!
Hello and welcome to the new and improved Today's Writing Woman. On this day, the sixth anniversary of my original blog, a long awaited dream is fulfilled. I am thrilled to begin this next chapter of my writing career! Today's...
Embrace the Changes
Hello 2016! I am so glad you are here! The road throughout 2015 was bumpy, windy and filled with detours. I stopped and started so many times I could not keep track by year's end. I am so glad to be here. As what seems like my norm, I am positing on the...
Year End Thoughts and Looking Forward to 2016
We all have the best of intentions, don't we? I know that I do. But sometimes the journey of life takes you on a wild ride, and all we can do is just hold on and pray we make it to the slow zone. I had many things that I wanted to accomplish, but I didn't quite hit...
TWW’s Book Review: The Comeback Christmas by Melinda Curtis (as a part of A Heartwarming Christmas Anthology: A Box Set of Sweet Holiday Romances)
I love everything Christmas. When I had the opportunity to read a story centered around a placed called Christmas Town, I jumped at the opportunity. Who wouldn't want to live in a place called Christmas Town? I know that it sounds kitschy, but for me, it brings a...
TWW’s Book Review: The House at Homecoming Cove by Ginny Baird
Many of my readers know that I love a good romance story. This was my first opportunity to read something from Ginny Baird and I was looking forward to The House at Homecoming Cove. While I only knew it was a part of her Romantic Ghost Stories Series, I did...
TWW’s Book Review: After Paradise by Allie Boniface
For an avid reader such as myself, I am often left pondering the question "I wonder what happened to (fill in the blank here)?" It is in those moments when I just finish a book, I think about the ancillary characters who have left me with enough of an impact that I...
TWW’s Book Review: Summer’s Song by Allie Boniface
I am a die-hard romance genre reader. I can't get enough of them. As a teenager, I think I read every Harlequin Romance novel ever written! However, as an adult, I have prided myself on expanding my romance reading horizons by venturing outside of my normal comfort...
TWW’s Book Review: Christmas Embrace by Emily Walters
Are we sure this is an original story? I swear I saw this as a Hallmark Movie on television last year. Wait! Yes, I did and the movie was called Snow Bride. Hmmm... Seriously, with just a few small changes, Christmas Embrace by Emily Walters is almost exactly like...
TWW’s Book Review: Without You – A Christmas Short Story by Adrianne James
As I continue on my Christmas short story reading, I came across this nine page read by Adrianne James. If there is one thing that Without You - A Christ Short Story has going for it, it would be the fact that it is definitely short. I wouldn't really classify this...
TWW’s Book Review: A Sandy’s Seashell Shop Christmas: An Outer Banks E-short by Lisa Wingate
Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in second chances? Do you believe opening your heart to new possibilities? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to read A Sandy's Seashell Shop Christmas: An Outer Banks E-short by Lisa...
TWW’s Book Review: Have Yourself a Curvy Little Christmas (A Perfect Fit Holiday Novella) by Sugar Jamison
Let me start by saying that titles are deceiving and "This is not what you think it is!" Meet Dina Gregory and her 10-month old son, Dash. They are on their way to confront her ex to own up to his responsibilities. As luck would have it, she finds his brother, Ben,...
TWW’s Book Review: A Christmas Stamp (A Historical Christmas romantic short story) (O Little Town of Christmas Book 1) by Cynthia Hickey
A simple, sweet story about how a community comes together to create a postage stamp that represents their small town. Ms. Hickey does a great job representing what life was like in 1932 rural America. I found it intriguing that we would see six characters whose...
Never Put the Key to Happiness In Someone Else’s Pocket
As a follow-up to last weekend's post "No Matter What You Decide to Do in Life, Be Sure it Makes You Happy", tell me if you ever said this (or a reasonable facsimile thereof)..."If I could just do this for (fill in how long here), maybe everything will turn out...
TWW’s Book Review: Her Christmas Bonus – Epilogue by Rain Danvers
For the naysayers, here is the rest of Sage and Terrance's story, and you lost out because you failed to read the entire e-book. If you had, you would have gotten exactly what you were asking for. Now I realize that this was split into two, but there is nothing...
TWW’s Book Review: Her Christmas Bonus by Rain Danvers
Since the holidays are just around the corner, I thought I would continue on with my short story and holiday romance theme for those of you who love this time of year as much as I do. If you are looking for a quick read on a cold winter's night, then Her Christmas...
No Matter What You Decide to Do in Life, Be Sure it Makes You Happy
Another birthday is around the corner and I have been thinking about the events around the world and in my own life these last few weeks. During these moments of reflection, my thoughts keep circling back to two significant points. Firstly, a job does not...
TWW’s Book Review: How the In-Laws Wrecked Christmas, A Short Story by Fiona Gibson
For the most part, I love short stories because they are exactly that - a quick read one can start and finish on a lunch hour. I found this one while searching online for new books and found that not only was How the In-Laws Wrecked Christmas a novella by...
TWW’s Book Review: Charmed, I’m Sure (The Halloween LaVeau Series, Book 4) by Rose Pressey
It's hard to believe that book four of The Halloween LaVeau Series picks up only a few short weeks after Hallie's story began. She has a black cat named Pluto, an old house she inherited from her dead great-aunt, the Book of Mystics and comes from a long line of...
TWW’s Book Review: Third Time’s A Charm (The Halloween LaVeau Series Book 3) by Rose Pressey
Halloween LaVeau is back in the next installment of the series. This time she is being challenged as the rightful owner of the Book of Mystics and the leader of the underworld. Hmmm...not sure she wanted it in the first place, but now that she is, I'm pretty sure...
TWW’s Book Review: Carole Singer’s Christmas by Emily Harvale
I've been reading a collection of different British authors and have found for the most part, I like them, but sometimes the slang used in the stories is a bit much. I did not find that with the dialogue in Carole Singer's Christmas. I did notice, however,...
TWW’s Book Review: The Promise of Paradise by Allie Boniface as part of the Summer on Main Street Box Set
I grew up on the outskirts of a small town. With not much to do, I spent a lot of time reading, mostly romance stories. The other thing I did was look out my window and create stories in my head about all the people who lived in town. So when I had the opportunity...
Water Conservation Tips for Californians
For those of you living in California like myself, you all know that we are under severe drought conditions. With a mandatory 25% water reduction placed upon us, I have come up with some unique ways to conserve water: 1. Everyone has heard of the three minute...
Do You Listen, Do You Hear?
When I speak, do you listen? Do you see my face glisten? Heart and soul, the words just take control. Do you hear what I say? You may listen, but just look away. Please don't ignore me, I am all alone. I just want people to hear me and not be outshone. Why do I...
TWW’s Book Review: Book Boyfriends Cafe Summer Lovin’ Anthology 2015
With Summer just around the corner, now is the time to find those books that will keep you busy all season long. Most of us will pick up several novels to keep us going through the long hot nights, but why not pick up the single book containing multiple stores? I...
I Am Not A Mom
No Mother's Day brunch, or handmade gift shall I receive. I long for the love of a child, but I can only grieve. I am not a mom. Friends old and new, once single like me. Married with families, content to let me be "aunty." But I am not a mom....
What Have We Become?
Clearly there is a problem, when the news of the day is the final 48 hour countdown to the Bruce Jenner interview with Diane Sawyer. Oh boy! Just two more days until we have all the dirt! Seriously people?!?! What have we become? I am not one to usually...
March Madness – Wine Country Style
It is a week into March and I am already tired. Not for lack of sleep mind you, but for the hordes that are descending upon my neighborhood for the annual March Madness...Barrel Tasting Weekend. Every year during the first two weekends of March, thousands of...
Do you ever spend part of your day just wasting time doing nothing important because you have no ambition or desire to do anything at all? Worse yet, doing meaningless things that just while away time that you'll never get back. If the answer to that question is a...
Gardening in February
Temperatures in the mid-70's...surely this must not be February? But it is! I couldn't let another moment of this beautiful three day weekend go by without going outside at least once to play in the dirt. I know it is incredibly early to get started, but if I...
TWW’s Book Review: Wild Iris Ridge by RaeAnne Thayne
RaeAnne, you have done it again! From the moment that I began reading this series, I have literally fallen in love with the town of Hope's Crossing, Colorado. Every story is so inspirational and I can''t help but wonder who I will meet next. Within the pages of...
Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
A long time ago, someone I worked for told me I would never make more than a $XX an hour in the town where we currently live. In my heart, I believe it was his way of telling me I would never amount to much of anything. I was not planning on being a major superstar...
Happy New Year – Welcome 2015
As I sit here this morning reflecting on the last year and welcoming 2015, I realize how many positive things have come my way, especially towards the end of 2014. While I may have started out the year down, I ended the year on an up note. More news on that to...
Merry Christmas 2014
Brightly colored lights and blow up figurines deck the front yard. Several mini trees throughout the house are lit up to celebrate the holiday in their own special way. The packages have all been unwrapped and the bows and boxes put away. The phone calls have been...
TWW’s Book Review: An Almost Perfect Christmas by Donna Fasano
It is common knowledge that Christmas is my favorite holiday. If given the chance I would celebrate it 365 days a year. Of course when you combine Christmas, romance stories, and little children, I am in heaven. In fact, all during 2014, I decided to read more...
TWW’s Book Review: Italian Christmas Baby by Helen Scott Taylor
Helen Scott Taylor certainly knows just how to pull on the heart strings and take the reader away from all the cares in the world. Italian Christmas Baby has all the right components anyone could ever ask for: Christmas, babies and holidays in exotic foreign...
I have been recovering from a low back injury for some time now. I am a little embarrassed to say this, however, I am going out on a limb and reveal that I have had to use a scooter while I am out shopping. The healing process has been slow and even though I am not...
Where have all the visitors gone?
I live within an hour’s drive of one of the most iconic cities in the world – San Francisco. Living “North of the Gate” gives anyone in Northern California the opportunity to travel over the world famous Golden Gate Bridge and into the city to experience all the...
TWW’s Book Review: Sweet Christmas Kisses: Fourteen Sweet Christmas Romances
Those that know me well, understand how much I love the Christmas Holidays. Last year, I didn't get to enjoy the season as much as I had hoped. But this year, I have been getting into the spirit far earlier and have enjoyed the wonderful opportunity of reading this...
TWW’s Book Review: Italian Christmas Proposal by Helen Scott Taylor
A year ago I stopped writing book reviews, and I didn't ever think that I would want to write another review again. While I have been still reading, most of the books, short stories, and dare I say novels have been less than what I would call worth writing about,...
I love this time of year. It is the season of change, with beautiful colors and falling leaves. Warm, sunny days followed by cold, crisp nights to help us sleep. The days are getting shorter and all I want to do is put on a comfy sweater, leggings with fluffy...
The Power of Words
The power of words are truly amazing. They say that the pen is mightier than the sword, but what about the words that come out of our mouths. They are just as mighty, but more often than not, they are deadly. Poised to strike without even knowing the damage they...
For some people, serious addictions can cause one's life to go spinning out of control. When all you can think about is that one "thing" (or maybe it's more than one), and it keeps you from sleeping, eating, having relationships, spending time with family or...
My Personal Space
When asked about what defines my personal space, I am more inclined to ask myself, who am I? Because who I am is what defines my personal space. I am a woman of many interests. Firstly, my personal space is filled with books because I love to read. So...
Happy Labor Day!
On this day, we celebrate all who work for a living. Those of you who put in your eight hours a day or more. And for those of you who work as much as are able. YOU should be honored. Because it's you who keep our country moving. Every day, all year long. Enjoy your...
Harvest 2014
The last several weeks we have been harvesting at Dusterhoft Farms. Yes, we have our own little farm, on less than an acre no less. Actually, it's less than less than an acre! Currently, we live in a condo with tiny front and back yards. Since we've been here...
Labor Day History and Celebration
Aaaah...Labor Day. A national holiday many wait for the entire year. For others, this means a three, four or five day weekend depending on how lucky you are. But do you really know the origins of this holiday?During the late 1800s in America, it's was common for...
Never Give Up, Never Surrender
I can't tell you how many times I've heard the words, "You'll never be able to fill in the blank here." If I had ten bucks for every single time that I heard that sentence or any variation thereof, I'd be rich. It was really tough to have grown up with it...
Rules of the Road
I've said this before and I'll say it again. I think everyone needs to go back to driving school at least once a decade at a minimum. This should become a mandate to renew your license. I'm not asking for a road test or anything, just a basic refresher course to...
Piles and Piles To Go Before I Sleep
Sometimes the detritus in our lives clutters up more than just the space it lives in. This is true for the tangible, and often, intangible stuff we cling to because we don't know any better than to not let it go. A hoarder finds comfort in the piles and piles of...
Write More and Facebook Less
I've been told that the only way to start writing again is to actually do it. It's been a long time. Not for lack of want, mind you, it's been more of finding the motivation to write. I can come up with numerous "excuses" and they all sound great in my head, but on...
Common Courtesy
Whatever happened to common courtesy? It feels like the age of technology has swept it away and those caught up in the wave have become oblivious to the rest of the world who stands by and shakes their heads. I get the fact that cellphones are the link to a whole...
Early Morning Thoughts
It's early on Sunday morning at the local laundromat. I am basically here alone save for a dad and his daughter doing the same thing I am, washing clothes. I see them here every other week, just like they see me. We don't speak, just smile at each other and go...
Broken Pieces and a Simple Hug
Scrolling through my Facebook News Feed this morning, I came across's picture with a quote that really spoke to my heart and made me remember what I used to feel like not so long ago. I've been broken more than once in recent years. Shattered into...
I am Tired and Writing-ed Out
I am tired...bone weary. My head even hurts. I am sure you have probably noticed that I have not been writing as much as I used to. Yes, it's true. I'm not. At least not here...or anywhere else for that matter. It is not to say that I haven't been writing, because...
No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service
Whatever happened to putting on clothes when going to the store? Seriously, it seems like that people have no sense of propriety when they leave the house these days. Now I am not a prude, believe me! But there is a time and place for everything. The stores...
In my adult life, after I moved out of my parents home, I have never owned a washer and dryer other than for a very short time period before my husband and I moved to California. I have always taken my laundry somewhere to wash it. I have never really enjoyed...
Waking Up From the Winter Hibernation
Time...the clock just keeps ticking away. It's already May and I feel like I have missed out on so much. Since last fall, I haven't had a moments rest to call my own. I have not had the chance to regain any footing on the ground I gained...until now. Time is so...
The Plastic Bag Debacle
The county where we lived has finally passed a law banning all plastic bags. While some stores have already instituted the change, others have told us they have until September 1, 2014 before all plastic bags are gone. Now I am all for being green. I recycle,...
Walking for The Children’s Village of Sonoma County during the Human Race 2014
I haven't done anything like this in over 20 years, so I thought it was about time. I am participating in the Human Race this year and walking on behalf of the The Children's Village of Sonoma County. Let me tell you a little bit about The Children's Village....
Putting Myself Back On The List
Nothing lately has been like I thought it would be. Four months ago, I came home broken. Without a chance to regain my footing, I jumped right back into working long hours with no time for myself or anyone else for that matter. I stopped writing and all the...
New Features Coming Soon
I am so looking forward to releasing new features soon. While I will be developing a new and improved website, I'll be working on food/wine and a holidays feature that have been hanging out on the backburner for some time. Hang tight my friends and I hope you like...
I’m Getting Aggravated
I think I got up on the wrong side of the bed. Everything is irritating me. Today's the first day in weeks where I didn't have to get up early and go somewhere. I thought, "Wonderful, I can sleep in. Relax a little...hang out." And then, blam! As soon as I got up,...
TWW Book Reviews
It's been a long time since I wrote a book review. While I have read many books since I've been gone, I am sorry to say that most of them are not worthy for a review. And unfortunately, those others that I had read, and wanted to review will now to be re-read in...
Who Am I
In The Blogging Lounge is a prompt called "Who Am I"; so without further I am: First and foremost, I am a girl from the Midwest...through and through. I was raised in the country across from a dairy farm and wheat fields. As the only daughter in a family...
Letting Go
You can always tell when I am working a lot. The most telling sign is that I haven't written! Once again, I am sorry that I haven't been around much, but I've been making hay while the sun is shining! This is an expression that my dad always said when I was young...
Happy New Year 2014
The older I get the more I realize how much I don't like to make New Year's resolutions. It's not that I am being a "fuddy duddy", but more so that if I say something out loud, it never seems to come to fruition. I much prefer to keep these things inside and then...
New Year’s Eve Reflections
As this year winds down to a close, I would be completely remiss if I didn't stop and reflect on this past year. It's definitely been a whirlwind and I can't believe it's almost over. Life is marching on and I don't want to miss another minute of it. I had so hoped...
Christmas Eve Meltdown
Yes, I am not proud to admit this; but I did have the unthinkable, a meltdown, on Christmas Eve no less. I would just like to say that it is not totally my fault. Here's my story. I got home early from work (Yay! A Rare Phenomena!) After a two quick stops; one for...
Christmas Preparations
I've been slowly putting out my decorations for my favorite holiday of the year. It seems like it gets harder and harder for me as this special time comes 'round. Not enough time or ambition or simply that I just don't care. I'm about three weeks behind right now....
Replace old Christmas Decorations with new ones from Sears and Kmart
For those of you who need to replace those old or broken lights or other Christmas decorations, now is the time to take advantage of online shopping conveniences, especially those that are being offered by Sears and Kmart. I realized that after over a decade...
Christmas Purge
Well, I finally did it. I finally went through the 20+ boxes of Christmas decorations and ornaments and did the big purge. It was very cathartic. Three hours and two lungs full of dust later, we finally managed to whittle the pile down to less than half the boxes...
Hate Crowds? Shop Sears & Kmart Online and use their In Store Pickup Program
Did anyone go shopping today? It was absolutely crazy out there! The stores were insanely crowded with people the parking lot, in the aisles, and at the checkouts. I love shopping...but not at the store anymore. I love online shopping much...
The Repo Man comes to Walmart this Christmas Season
Most of my Christmas shopping was done online this year. It was far easier and saved me hours of headache and sour feet. Unfortunately, there are moments when I really have to go to the today. I've been shopping a Walmart for years. Now I know many of...
2013 Holiday Timesavers: Shop Kmart & Sears Online and Use FREE In Store Pickup
The Christmas holidays are a stressful time of year. And if you're like me, a busy woman with a lot of responsibilities, you probably don't have much time to shop at the mall or get in the car and traipse from store to store to find those holiday gifts. I am a...
Finding Me
I finally feel like I am coming back. It has been a long road. I would do anything for my family, to the point of putting my own health at risk. But let's face it, when push comes to shove, family is family and that is what we do. Now that I am back, I've spent the...
When Life Throws You Lemons…
...make lemonade. Unfortunately my mouth is full of canker sores and I'm tired of drinking it! I'm sure you've all felt this way a time or two so I don't feel very much alone in this regard. However, I must note that we're officially knee deep in the "ber" months,...
Don’t Miss the Opportunity to Spend Time with the Ones You Love
Hello Friends and Followers of Today's Writing Woman, I just wanted to let you know that I am still here. I know that I have been gone for several months, but I have a very good excuse for being away so long. You see, I was called unexpectedly on the morning of...
I think I am experiencing what writer's typically refer to as being "blocked." It's like there is a big concrete wall up around my head squeezing it so tight that my thoughts cannot be translated into words and get onto the paper. Or in this case, out through my...
TWW’s Book Review: Dancing in the Moonlight by RaeAnne Thayne
RaeAnne Thayne has a special knack of making a story come alive and she does it again in Dancing In The Moonlight. We're back with the Daltons, this time with Jake, or shall I say Dr. Jake Dalton. The Daltons have been neighbors with the Cruz family for years. Jake...
TWW’s Book Review: The Single Daddy Club-Reece by Donna Fasano
I picked up this book not only because it looked interesting but also because I've another book by Donna Fasano and liked it. While this is part of a series of books, The Single Daddy Club: Reece is the only one I've read. An easy read with a little mystery thrown...
TWW’s Book Review: A Lost Witch (A Modern Witch Series: Book 7) by Debora Geary
I stumbled across Debora Geary some time ago because I was asked to review a paranormal genre book of my choice for another website. I took a chance on her because I wanted the opportunity to step outside my comfort zone. I have never been disappointed. In the...
Birthday Greetings!
Today is my birthday...I wait for this day all year. You might think I am bit crazy to want this day to happen, but I really do! I enjoy having this day all for me because I spend so much time doing things for others. But is the day I do things for...
TWW’s Book Review: Bewitched, Bothered and Biscotti: A Magical Bakery Mystery by Bailey Cates
Since I enjoyed the first Magical Bakery Mystery, I decided to read the next one to see if I would still enjoy the characters and setting. I love coming "home" to books that have a continuation of characters, locations and even themes. I find it comforting. So much...
TWW’s Book Review: Brownies and Broomsticks: A Magical Bakery Mystery by Bailey Cates
If you're looking for something light and easy to read then you've found the right book with Brownies and Broomsticks: A Magical Bakery Mystery by Bailey Cates. I wasn't much for stretching outside of my comfort zone, but I found that these fun paranormal stories...
TWW’s Book Review: Tea with Emma (The Teacup Novellas, book 1) by Diane Moody
Since I have never read Jane Austen, I have no preconceived notions about a story that references this book. However, the premise is intriguing. Inspired by teacups, the book is written rather cleverly. I won't give it away, but will say that it is an integral part...
Joyful Time , Sunshine and Personal Projects
My birth month is passing by quickly. It's hard to believe that today is already the 13th of August. Only 12 more days until the big day. Actually, I should preface that with "only 9 more days until my other big day before the big day." You're probably wondering...
TWW’s Book Review: Willowleaf Lane by RaeAnne Thayne
Charlotte's life is a lot different now than it was back then. No longer overweight and having to hide behind it, she's now healthier and a bit more content. Not a small feat since she is the owner of Sugar Rush, the local confectionery. However, on a quiet July...
TWW’s Book Review: Current Creek Valley by RaeAnne Thayne
Finally, a book about food! Now this one I can really relate to, but before I go there, I just want to say how much I love returning to Hope's Crossing. Like some other series that I read, it just feels like coming home. The author, RaeAnne Thayne does a remarkable...
TWW’s Book Review: Sweet Laurel Falls by RaeAnne Thayne
Maura McKnight-Parker, owner of Dog-Eared Books & Brew, needs a vacation. But, Christmas is just around the corner and her daughter Sage is coming home for the holiday. She's had a really rough year with the tragic loss of her other daughter, and it's time for...
Playing Catch-Up
I've been a bit behind on many things and I feel as though I am playing catchup. I am sure that many of you feel the same way and can completely relate! This past week I've put in a lot of hours at my day job and didn't get a lot of time to myself to enjoy my birth...
The Winds of Change
I have notice changes in my surroundings. My writing surroundings that is. The community that I quietly joined three years ago seems to be experiencing some growing pains...again. The winds of change are upon us. When I got into this gig oh so long ago, I had high...
TWW’s Book Review: Woodrose Mountain by RaeAnne Thayne
I had been asked to review another book by RaeAnne Thayne and while I dived right in, I realized that once I had started to read it, I was completely at a loss because I missed out on the first book in the series. So, I had to stop reading and go back to the...
TWW’s Book Review: Wind Chime Point by Sherryl Woods
There is always something about picking up a book by Sherryl Woods. It's like...coming home. There...I said it again and I truly mean it. I am a fairly new fan of her writing. It wasn't that long ago that I found her novels on a bookstore shelf while on vacation. I...
TWW’s Book Review: Blackberry Summer by RaeAnne Thayne
Claire Bradford has got problems. Little does she know, they are about to get even bigger. First, her store has been burglarized along with some other establishments in town. Her inventory has been thrown all over the floor, money gone, computer stolen, and a...
TWW’s Book Review: Sand Castle Bay (An Ocean Breeze Novel), by Sherryl Woods
Three sisters return home to help their grandmother, Cora Jane Castle, rebuild their family restaurant after a devastating storm hits the area. Little did the sisters know that grandma has something up her sleeve other than a restaurant cleanup. Sand Castle Bay by...
Tww’s Book Review: Neurotically Yours by Bonnie Trachtenberg
Another really long book by author Bonnie Trachtenberg, 382 pages. Good thing that I kind of liked it. Interesting story that had me interested because the main character, Dara, is a writer. Albeit she writes an advice column, but nonetheless, she is still a...
There is something to be said for getting your chores done first before doing anything else. Putting things off often leads to needing more time to accomplish them later. Or, when later arrives you don't want to do what you put off at all. I've been trying to...
Pizza and a Movie
Fridays are always a good day. It's the last day of the work week for me and 8 hours closer to the weekend. I really pushed hard all day to get everything done today so I could leave and really enjoy the rest of my day and weekend. Friday nights are typically...
Thankful Thursday
Today I am thankful that it is August 1st, because this is the start of my birthday month and I am celebrating for the next 31 days! Welcome August! I am so glad you're here... Wishing you moments to celebrate your special time! P.S. What are you thankful...
Wordless Wednesday
Christmas in July... Wishing you moments of merry! Like anything you see here? Then contact me, Susan Dusterhoft at [email protected]. I am always looking for more books/products to review. I can also provide assistance with blog...
Sometimes life throws us a curveball... ...but it's how we handle it that makes the difference. Wishing you moments to handle any situation thrown your way! Like anything you see here? Then contact me, Susan Dusterhoft at...
Challenges and Changes
I am getting towards the end of meeting a challenge. It was a simple one really. Just post one thing a day on my blog for the Ultimate Blog Challenge (UBC). By doing so, I posted the link on the UBC Facebook Page, and then read the two posts immediately above mine....
Inspiration Sunday
Wishing you moments of inspiration, Like anything you see here? Then contact me, Susan Dusterhoft at [email protected]. I am always looking for more books/products to review. I can also provide assistance with blog...
Saturday Shopping and Random Observations
Have I ever mentioned how much I have come to dislike shopping? It has become a real chore for me that I would prefer to not do. In fact, on some occasions, I have bowed out and let my better half do it. Since he is the primary cook in the family, I see no point in...
Projects and Design
I am currently working on a new exciting project in addition to some design work. While it is a lot of fun, it is very time consuming. I am learning editing, HTML coding and how to do esthetically pleasing layouts. Fun, Fun, FUN! Can't wait to share it all with...
Life’s Magical Moments
It just happened by chance that we saw this fellow. One of life's magical moments... Wishing you opportunities to experience magical moments! Like anything you see here? Then contact me, Susan Dusterhoft at [email protected]. I am always...
Quiet Early Mornings and Routines
I like getting up early in the morning. It's so quiet and peaceful. No one to bother me and no least during the work week. Except for Tuesday, when the hubs works from home, I have this time all to myself. He gets up early every other day of the...
One Step at a Time
I made great progress yesterday trying to get my life back in order. It's amazing what a few hours of "me time" will get you. I would have preferred a bit more, but you can't always get what you want. At least now, I don't feel nearly as overwhelmed as...
Worry Wart
I don't know about you, but I worry. I worry about everything. Sometimes so much so that it keeps me up at night. Sometimes I worry so much that it makes me today. I worried all weekend about various and sundry things. I can't help myself, it's a part...
Growing Old
We all grow old, but do we ever stop to think about it. Going about our busy life, day in and out, that we hardly have time to go to the bathroom, let alone think about our own mortality. I guess my dad's near heart attack and subsequent quadruple bypass surgery...
TWW’s Book Review: Wedlocked: A Novel by Bonnie Trachtenberg
There is nothing I like better than seeing a jerk get what he deserves and that is exactly what happens to Craig. What a bumbling idiot! On the flipside, I love to see that Rebecca actually decided to pursue her heart's desire. Bummer that she spent so long...
TWW’s Book Review: Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble by H.P. Mallory
Since I recently decided I was interested in the paranormal (romance that is!) genre, I found some interesting authors that have captured my attention. With this in mind, I decided to dive into a few other authors to see if I could take this interest a little...
Saturday Observations
I had a whole other post started for today, but decided to postpone it because there are just a few other things that have been on my mind for some time. Let's dive right in and talk about a few things: 1. When did it become acceptable to go to the store wearing...
Long Weeks and Great Husbands
After a very long week emotionally, I am extremely happy that today is Friday. My work week doesn't end until 5pm, but at least in my mind, the week is over. I really didn't accomplish anything on the personal front. Once again, I am so far behind with dishes...
The Prayer
Tonight I just need to be inspired... Wishing you moments to pray... Like anything you see here? Then contact me, Susan Dusterhoft at [email protected]. I am always looking for more books/products to review. I can also provide assistance with...
Believe..... ...just Believe. Wishing you moments to believe. Like anything you see here? Then contact me, Susan Dusterhoft at [email protected]. I am always looking for more books/products to review. I can also provide assistance with blog...
Never Give Up
Do you ever feel like you just want to give up. You know the feeling. You work hard and nothing goes right: It's starts in the morning when you put a hole through your stockings and it's the last pair you own. You spill that $5 cup of coffee all over your brand new...
Where I’d Like To Be
Right now...this is where I wish I was: Where would you like to be...right now? Wishing you moments to be somewhere else, Like anything you see here? Then contact me, Susan Dusterhoft at [email protected]. I am always looking for more...
DVD Players Rock – No Commercials!
Last night while I was trying to watch a comforting "girl" holiday movie on one of my favorite cable channels, I was bombarded with commercials from the drug companies. All I can say is "Enough Already!" I am not interested in pills that reduce cholesterol, lessen...
What Brings Me Joy
In times of stress, I need to remind myself of the things that bring me the greatest joy and work to get those things back into my life. So let me make a list: 1. God - yes, he should always be at the top of the list. While my faith has never been something that I...
Just Breathe
Just Breathe... In and Out... Close Your Eyes... And Breathe. It Will Be All Right... Just Look Within... Trust...Have Faith... And Breathe. Let Go... It's Not Worth It... Nothing Lasts Forever... Breathe. Just Breathe... Wishing you moments to just breathe. ...
Faith, God and The Biggest Prayer Chain Ever
When life throws you curve balls that you know you can't possibly withstand... When you just can't take one more thing because you know you'll go off the deep end... When you want to crawl under a rock and just give up... When there is absolutely nothing more that...
I Need My Dad
My dad is having open heart surgery today. I am weeping because I need my dad. He is everything to me. He's always been there and helped me whenever I needed it...even after I got married and moved away. My dad has worked hard his whole life. He left home...
An Observation: Hitchhikers
Sometimes I wonder what goes through the minds of others. Case in point...hitchhikers. I am driving home yesterday evening and along the side of the road are two people attempting to hitch a ride to God knows where. This is not the first time I've seen this mind...
Time and Money Savers
Ever since I moved my office downstairs, I've found that I move faster during the work week. No distractions when I wake up and I can get ready much faster. When my office was upstairs, I would roll out of bed when the alarm clock would go off, and turn on the...
Quiet Sunday Mornings
I love Sunday mornings. They are so quiet and peaceful in my house. My husband usually leaves me alone to slowly wake up and get myself going. Sometimes I will stay in bed and watch television for awhile and just relax my way into the day. There's no hurry to do...
TWW’s BONUS Book Review: The Long and The Short of It by Jan Ruth
I found this book through one of my reader's services and it looked intriguing so I ordered it. I wasn't sure what I was getting into but thought it might be interesting to read something from a British novelist. I will say that it was rather confusing in the sense...
"Hey Mister!" "I saw you." "Yes, you. I saw you looking at her." He turns and walks into the little store, not hearing the words. You can run in and out, and act like no one saw you, but I still did. I saw the way you looked at that woman; with disdain...