Now accepting requests for book reviews! Send an email to [email protected].

The importance of reading and writing was instilled in me at an early age. Known as two of “The Three Rs — reading, writing and arithmetic,” they became one of the cornerstones of my life. As Today’s Writing Woman, that cornerstone is the basis in which I built a passion for writing, which I now consider a lost art in this technologically-advanced world.

As your personal editor, writer and all around go-to person, I am here to help you uncover the treasure that is found through the written word. I am passionate about what I do, and am here to provide you inspiration through my writing, vlogging and photography.

Inspiration for the Day

“Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul.” — Luther Burbank

As the days drawer nearer to Spring, let us all remember to plant flowers and other such delights so that they will bloom and grow to nourish our bodies, warm our hearts as well as decorate our souls. Ahhh Spring, we have been waiting for you!

Latest Blog Posts

year end thoughts
2024 Year In Review

2024 Year in Review

It's time for Today's Writing Woman 2024 Year in Review. It's hard to believe that another year is gone, and it's time to reflect on the past 365 days. Where shall I begin? My head is spinning. First Part of 2024 2024 has been quite the year for me and my...


Christmas Sadness

I must admit I am feeling a bit of Christmas sadness. This used to be the time of year when you were filled with cheer and wanted to share it with others, but I have not experienced much cheer this Christmas season. Christmas Tree Card Holder I have a Christmas...


Opinions and Observations

Opinions. Everyone is entitled to have and express them. I have read thousands of them on social media over the years. I rarely comment. Most of the time, I just keep scrolling because it is the OP's opinion, and I don't have anything useful to say, and if I did, I...


Today’s Writing Woman Buys a House

Today's Writing Woman has bought a house. Many thought it could not be done, but we did it! This story is a little out of sequence, but I wanted to document how this part all unfolded before I forgot. This is a lifelong dream realized. I can't believe we did...


One Year Today

One year today, Dad, you left us behind. Your pain and suffering ended May 29, 2022, but ours began that day. For some of us, it has been going on for much longer. The world you left behind is much different than the world you entered.  Nothing is the same...


Growing Old

Growing old is something we typically don't think about. As a child, you have virtually no cares in the world. Then you become a teenager and have nothing but angst. Then you become a young adult and wiz your way through your 20s and 30s, working like mad to become...

giving back

Giving Back

Giving back to my community has never been more important than it is now that I am in the #secondact of my life. For me, now is the time to live as intentionally as possible. In order to do that, I need to make my creative endeavors mean something.  Giving...

weather, wind

In Like A Lion

In like a lion, out like a lamb. Not for those of us living in the heartland! The weather here has been anything but that, lol! For the last month, the temperatures have been up and down, the skies gloomy, and the precipitation has been mixed—definitely, a...

customer service
customer service

What is Customer Service?

What is customer service if not serving the customers? This is my question for the week. I had two customer service events in the last week that really drove this point home. I have been in this field most of my career.  My customer service experiences were...

#second act, self care

Putting Myself First

    Putting myself first is kind of a foreign concept to me. It's no news that I have put other things first in my life before myself. When I hit the big milestone birthday, I vowed I would do things a little differently, coining this time of my life as...

poem, Uncategorized

I Cry Every Day

I cry every day For what seems like no reason I cry every day It's my time for this season I miss so many things The least of which is dad He has earned his wings His absence makes me sad Random things bring on the tears No rhyme or reason when they occur Wish I...

year end thoughts

End of Another Year

Here we are, the end of another year. A time for reflection they say. As the week was winding down, the voice in my head kept saying, “Man! It’s been a year!” To be honest, I feel like all I have done is sit in doctor’s offices, go to the store, and work. Let’s not...


It’s Christmas Eve

  Oh it's Christmas Eve Hope your cares are free And you're right where your heart longs to be You know that All these moments are Like falling stars You blink they fade into the dark So hold on tight to Christmas Eve And we go trust in time Next year our...


Paying Respect

I am sitting here this morning in my office/craft room, listening to the softly falling rain and reflecting on the events of the world and in my life these last several months. This week we lost Queen Elizabeth II, the longest reigning monarch in my lifetime. It...

Labor Day, Uncategorized

Labor Day 2022

Today is Labor Day. This holiday is always celebrated on the first Monday in September. It is a moment where we pay homage to everything that the American worker has done. I have been a contributing member of the workforce for over 40 years. Probably a lot longer...


To Celebrate or Not

  Whether to celebrate or not, that is the question. Today is August 29, 2022, and it is the third day of my birthday weekend.  I did not know if I wanted to celebrate because it's been three months since my dad passed away and I am still really sad....


My Dad

My Dad passed away a month ago at the young age of 88. He became a self-made man after having it rough growing up. He was the glue that held our small family together, and I realize that now. His passing has left a great big hole in the lives of my mom, brother,...

anniversary, Mother's Day


I am coming up on an anniversary. A day, well two days actually, that most would not consider celebratory. I am sure you all have many wonderful anniversaries. When you met someone, first date, an accomplishment, or the most traditional, a wedding. I have those...


It’s Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve, a time to believe, but when all is uncertain close the curtain, and quietly reflect on the season's effect. Some things are out of control, we can't help feeling a little less whole. Being told this and that the answers are not just pat. I don't...

unanswered questions

Unanswered Questions

As the years go by, the number of unanswered questions in my life continues to grow. There is a litany of them, and during the holidays, they become more pronounced than any other time of the year. It seems that every path I take adds more questions with no...

thankful and blessed

Thankful and Blessed

Thankful and blessed is the way I need to feel this year.  For the last year, my family has been on the rollercoaster of a lifetime. I pray daily to stop the ride and get off, but I know that there is a reason we are on it. Just wish it would really end soon....

being seen and heard

Being Seen and Heard

Being seen and heard is one of the many reasons why most writer's write. I am no exception. A writer also spends a lot of time listening and observing. While it feels like forever since you've heard from me, it doesn't mean that I am not writing. I have been doing...

Me Time, vacation
Signs of a Great Vacation

Signs of a Great Vacation

The signs of a great vacation are different for everyone. For me, they are quite simple.  My list is below. Depending on what you like to do, yours could be completely different or similar to mine. No matter what, vacations are important because they give us...


Sunday Morning Musings

Sunday morning...and the thermometer in my car is registering 40 degrees.  If you're not used to it, this temperature can make you feel really chilled to the bone, but for others, it can seem like a heatwave. As odd at it sounds, I am cold but not freezing....

poem, writing

A Poem – Ode to Saturday

Ode to Saturday Hello Saturday I've been waiting all week Time to sleep in Dare I speak Summer is here The sun comes up early I wake  before dawn Feeling a bit surly Can't sleep in  No matter what I do Too much to get done Let the chores ensue Whip...

Fall, Garden
Fall Garden Cleanup - Unplanned Tomatos

Time for Fall Garden Cleanup

While my husband is recuperating from a nasty cold, I decided to go outside and take stock of my front garden. Here in NorCal, it is still sunny and warm even though it is October. Nevertheless, I am ready for my Fall Garden Cleanup.  Fall Garden Cleanup...

comfort, rain

Rain Today…Here to Stay

It rained today...the first drops of water from the sky for Fall/Winter 2016. I love the rain and here in NorCal, we desperately need it. Hopefully it will extinguish the last of the fires nearby. Rain Clouds I am sitting here in my room, putting away the...

Me Time
There's Never Enough Time

Never Enough Time In My Day

In my world, there seems to be never enough time to... clean up the bedroom, that doubles for my office/studio; finish that shredding project laying on the floor; put away all the clothes laying on the chair; hem those pants that I spent all that money on and can't...



On my days off, I tend to reminisce about my past. I think about all sorts of things. Some make me laugh, more often than not, they make me cry. Today, however, I am not crying. I am just thinking about making new memories. Slowing Down and Making New Memories...


Embrace the Changes

Hello 2016! I am so glad you are here! The road throughout 2015 was bumpy, windy  and filled with detours. I stopped and started so many times I could not keep track by year's end. I am so glad to be here. As what seems like my norm, I am positing on the...


Do You Listen, Do You Hear?

When I speak, do you listen? Do you see my face glisten? Heart and soul, the words just take control. Do you hear what I say? You may listen, but just look away. Please don't ignore me, I am all alone. I just want people to hear me and not be outshone. Why do I...


I Am Not A Mom

  No Mother's Day brunch, or handmade gift shall I receive. I long for the love of a child, but I can only grieve. I am not a mom.   Friends old and new, once single like me. Married with families, content to let me be "aunty." But I am not a mom....


What Have We Become?

Clearly there is a problem, when the news of the day is the final 48 hour countdown to the Bruce Jenner interview with Diane Sawyer. Oh boy! Just two more days until we have all the dirt! Seriously people?!?! What have we become?  I am not one to usually...



Do you ever spend part of your day just wasting time doing nothing important because you have no ambition or desire to do anything at all? Worse yet, doing meaningless things that just while away time that you'll never get back. If the answer to that question is a...


Gardening in February

Temperatures in the mid-70's...surely this must not be February? But it is!  I couldn't let another moment of this beautiful three day weekend go by without going outside at least once to play in the dirt. I know it is incredibly early to get started, but if I...


Merry Christmas 2014

Brightly colored lights and blow up figurines deck the front yard. Several mini trees throughout the house are lit up to celebrate the holiday in their own special way. The packages have all been unwrapped and the bows and boxes put away. The phone calls have been...



I have been recovering from a low back injury for some time now. I am a little embarrassed to say this, however, I am going out on a limb and reveal that I have had to use a scooter while I am out shopping. The healing process has been slow and even though I am not...



I love this time of year. It is the season of change, with beautiful colors and falling leaves. Warm, sunny days  followed by cold, crisp nights to help us sleep. The days are getting shorter and all I want to do is put on a comfy sweater, leggings with fluffy...


The Power of Words

The power of words are truly amazing. They say that the pen is mightier than the sword, but what about the words that come out of our mouths. They are just as mighty, but more often than not, they are deadly. Poised to strike without even knowing the damage they...



For some people, serious addictions can cause one's life to go spinning out of control. When all you can think about is that one "thing" (or maybe it's more than one), and it keeps you from sleeping, eating, having relationships, spending time with family or...


My Personal Space

When asked about what defines my personal space, I am more inclined to ask myself, who am I? Because who I am is what defines my personal space.  I am a woman of many interests.  Firstly, my personal space is filled with books because I love to read. So...


Happy Labor Day!

On this day, we celebrate all who work for a living. Those of you who put in your eight hours a day or more. And for those of you who work as much as are able. YOU should be honored. Because it's you who keep our country moving. Every day, all year long. Enjoy your...


Harvest 2014

The last several weeks we have been harvesting at Dusterhoft Farms. Yes, we have our own little farm, on less than an acre no less. Actually, it's less than less than an acre! Currently, we live in a condo with tiny front and back yards. Since we've been here...


Rules of the Road

I've said this before and I'll say it again. I think everyone needs to go back to driving school at least once a decade at a minimum. This should become a mandate to renew your license. I'm not asking for a road test or anything, just a basic refresher course to...


Write More and Facebook Less

I've been told that the only way to start writing again is to actually do it. It's been a long time. Not for lack of want, mind you, it's been more of finding the motivation to write. I can come up with numerous "excuses" and they all sound great in my head, but on...


Common Courtesy

Whatever happened to common courtesy? It feels like the age of technology has swept it away and those caught up in the wave have become oblivious to the rest of the world who stands by and shakes their heads. I get the fact that cellphones are the link to a whole...


Early Morning Thoughts

It's early on Sunday morning at the local laundromat. I am basically here alone save for a dad and his daughter doing the same thing I am, washing clothes. I see them here every other week, just like they see me. We don't speak, just smile at each other and go...


Broken Pieces and a Simple Hug

Scrolling through my Facebook News Feed this morning, I came across's picture with a quote that really spoke to my heart and made me remember what I used to feel like not so long ago. I've been broken more than once in recent years. Shattered into...


I am Tired and Writing-ed Out

I am tired...bone weary. My head even hurts. I am sure you have probably noticed that I have not been writing as much as I used to. Yes, it's true. I'm not. At least not here...or anywhere else for that matter. It is not to say that I haven't been writing, because...



In my adult life, after I moved out of my parents home, I have never owned a washer and dryer other than for a very short time period before my husband and I moved to California. I have always taken my laundry somewhere to wash it. I have never really enjoyed...


The Plastic Bag Debacle

The county where we lived has finally passed a law banning all plastic bags. While some stores have already instituted the change, others have told us they have until September 1, 2014 before all plastic bags are gone. Now I am all for being green. I recycle,...


New Features Coming Soon

I am so looking forward to releasing new features soon. While I will be developing a new and improved website, I'll be working on food/wine and a holidays feature that have been hanging out on the backburner for some time. Hang tight my friends and I hope you like...


I’m Getting Aggravated

I think I got up on the wrong side of the bed. Everything is irritating me. Today's the first day in weeks where I didn't have to get up early and go somewhere. I thought, "Wonderful, I can sleep in. Relax a little...hang out." And then, blam! As soon as I got up,...

2015 Book Club, Uncategorized

TWW Book Reviews

It's been a long time since I wrote a book review. While I have read many books since I've been gone, I am sorry to say that most of them are not worthy for a review. And unfortunately, those others that I had read, and wanted to review will now to be re-read in...


Who Am I

In The Blogging Lounge is a prompt called "Who Am I"; so without further I am: First and foremost, I am a girl from the Midwest...through and through. I was raised in the country across from a dairy farm and wheat fields. As the only daughter in a family...


Letting Go

You can always tell when I am working a lot. The most telling sign is that I haven't written! Once again, I am sorry that I haven't been around much, but I've been making hay while the sun is shining! This is an expression that my dad always said when I was young...


Happy New Year 2014

The older I get the more I realize how much I don't like to make New Year's resolutions. It's not that I am being a "fuddy duddy", but more so that if I say something out loud, it never seems to come to fruition. I much prefer to keep these things inside and then...


New Year’s Eve Reflections

As this year winds down to a close, I would be completely remiss if I didn't stop and reflect on this past year. It's definitely been a whirlwind and I can't believe it's almost over. Life is marching on and I don't want to miss another minute of it. I had so hoped...


Christmas Eve Meltdown

Yes, I am not proud to admit this; but I did have the unthinkable, a meltdown, on Christmas Eve no less. I would just like to say that it is not totally my fault. Here's my story. I got home early from work (Yay! A Rare Phenomena!) After a two quick stops; one for...


Christmas Preparations

I've been slowly putting out my decorations for my favorite holiday of the year. It seems like it gets harder and harder for me as this special time comes 'round. Not enough time or ambition or simply that I just don't care. I'm about three weeks behind right now....


Christmas Purge

Well, I finally did it. I finally went through the 20+ boxes of Christmas decorations and ornaments and did the big purge. It was very cathartic. Three hours and two lungs full of dust later, we finally managed to whittle the pile down to less than half the boxes...


Finding Me

I finally feel like I am coming back. It has been a long road. I would do anything for my family, to the point of putting my own health at risk. But let's face it, when push comes to shove, family is family and that is what we do. Now that I am back, I've spent the...


When Life Throws You Lemons…

...make lemonade. Unfortunately my mouth is full of canker sores and I'm tired of drinking it! I'm sure you've all felt this way a time or two so I don't feel very much alone in this regard. However, I must note that we're officially knee deep in the "ber" months,...



I think I am experiencing what writer's typically refer to as being "blocked." It's like there is a big concrete wall up around my head squeezing it so tight that my thoughts cannot be translated into words and get onto the paper. Or in this case, out through my...


Birthday Greetings!

Today is my birthday...I wait for this day all year. You might think I am bit crazy to want this day to happen, but I really do! I enjoy having this day all for me because I spend so much time doing things for others. But is the day I do things for...


Playing Catch-Up

I've been a bit behind on many things and I feel as though I am playing catchup. I am sure that many of you feel the same way and can completely relate! This past week I've put in a lot of hours at my day job and didn't get a lot of time to myself to enjoy my birth...


The Winds of Change

I have notice changes in my surroundings. My writing surroundings that is. The community that I quietly joined three years ago seems to be experiencing some growing pains...again. The winds of change are upon us. When I got into this gig oh so long ago, I had high...



There is something to be said for getting your chores done first before doing anything else. Putting things off often leads to needing more time to accomplish them later. Or, when later arrives you don't want to do what you put off at all.  I've been trying to...


Pizza and a Movie

Fridays are always a good day. It's the last day of the work week for me and 8 hours closer to the weekend. I really pushed hard all day to get everything done today so I could leave and really enjoy the rest of my day and weekend.  Friday nights are typically...


Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful that it is August 1st, because this is the start of my birthday month and I am celebrating for the next 31 days! Welcome August! I am so glad you're here... Wishing you moments to celebrate your special time!   P.S. What are you thankful...



Sometimes life throws us a curveball...  ...but it's how we handle it that makes the difference. Wishing you moments to handle any situation thrown your way!   Like anything you see here? Then contact me, Susan Dusterhoft at...


Challenges and Changes

I am getting towards the end of meeting a challenge. It was a simple one really. Just post one thing a day on my blog for the Ultimate Blog Challenge (UBC). By doing so, I posted the link on the UBC Facebook Page, and then read the two posts immediately above mine....


Projects and Design

I am currently working on a new exciting project in addition to some design work. While it is a lot of fun, it is very time consuming. I am learning editing, HTML coding and how to do esthetically pleasing layouts. Fun, Fun, FUN! Can't wait to share it all with...


One Step at a Time

I made great progress yesterday trying to get my life back in order. It's amazing what a few hours of "me time" will get you. I would have preferred a bit more, but you can't always get what you want. At least now, I don't feel nearly as overwhelmed as...


Worry Wart

I don't know about you, but I worry. I worry about everything. Sometimes so much so that it keeps me up at night. Sometimes I worry so much that it makes me today. I worried all weekend about various and sundry things. I can't help myself, it's a part...


Growing Old

We all grow old, but do we ever stop to think about it. Going about our busy life, day in and out, that we hardly have time to go to the bathroom, let alone think about our own mortality. I guess my dad's near heart attack and subsequent quadruple bypass surgery...


Saturday Observations

I had a whole other post started for today, but decided to postpone it because there are just a few other things that have been on my mind for some time. Let's dive right in and talk about a few things: 1. When did it become acceptable to go to the store wearing...


Long Weeks and Great Husbands

After a very long week emotionally, I am extremely happy that today is Friday. My work week doesn't end until 5pm, but at least in my mind, the week is over.  I really didn't accomplish anything on the personal front. Once again, I am so far behind with dishes...


Never Give Up

Do you ever feel like you just want to give up. You know the feeling. You work hard and nothing goes right: It's starts in the morning when you put a hole through your stockings and it's the last pair you own. You spill that $5 cup of coffee all over your brand new...

my old friend

What Brings Me Joy

In times of stress, I need to remind myself of the things that bring me the greatest joy and work to get those things back into my life. So let me make a list: 1. God - yes, he should always be at the top of the list. While my faith has never been something that I...


Just Breathe

Just Breathe... In and Out... Close Your Eyes... And Breathe. It Will Be All Right... Just Look Within... Trust...Have Faith... And Breathe. Let Go... It's Not Worth It... Nothing Lasts Forever... Breathe. Just Breathe... Wishing you moments to just breathe.  ...


I Need My Dad

My dad is having open heart surgery today. I am weeping because I need my dad. He is everything to me. He's always been there and helped me whenever I needed it...even after I got married and moved away.  My dad has worked hard his whole life. He left home...


An Observation: Hitchhikers

Sometimes I wonder what goes through the minds of others. Case in point...hitchhikers. I am driving home yesterday evening and along the side of the road are two people attempting to hitch a ride to God knows where. This is not the first time I've seen this mind...


Time and Money Savers

Ever since I moved my office downstairs, I've found that I move faster during the work week. No distractions when I wake up and I can get ready much faster. When my office was upstairs, I would roll out of bed when the alarm clock would go off, and turn on the...


Quiet Sunday Mornings

I love Sunday mornings. They are so quiet and peaceful in my house. My husband usually leaves me alone to slowly wake up and get myself going. Sometimes I will stay in bed and watch television for awhile and just relax my way into the day. There's no hurry to do...



"Hey Mister!"  "I saw you." "Yes, you. I saw you looking at her."  He turns and walks into the little store, not hearing the words. You can run in and out, and act like no one saw you, but I still did. I saw the way you looked at that woman; with disdain...