Sometimes you get your greatest inspirations from the unlikeliest of places. Dove Chocolate does this quite beautifully by combining their delicious morsel of smooth, velvety chocolate with a few words to make you pause for a moment just for yourself. Take a look through some of the treasures below and pause to revel in the simple wisdom shared by my favorite chocolate purveyor.
Chocolate brings good things to life.
Make a date with your favorite book tonight.
Close your eyes and relax.
Create a happy place.
Take a deep breath.
Keep believing in yourself and your dreams.
Make time for yourself.
See the glass half full, not half empty.
When you want adventure, go outside; when you want love, go home.
Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted at all.
You can't live a positive life when you have a negative mind.
There's nothing worse than living half a life because you were afraid to make a bold step.
Love comes in small packages.
You can never go wrong with honesty.
Love hard, fall fast, and cherish each and every moment.
Follow your instincts.
Life is tough, so go ahead and give yourself a break.
You have a great laugh.
Smile before bed, you'll sleep better.
Be good to yourself today.
Show some kindness to someone today.
Laugh until your heart overflows.
Share a sunset with someone you love.
Enjoy the small things in life.
Savor small romantic moments.
Live well and beauty will shine through.
Get a good night sleep.
Live in the present.
Dare to dream.
Give yourself a holiday.
Listen to your heart.
When you dare to dream, dream big!
A little confidence goes a long way.
Give a smile, you'll almost always get one back!
Treat yourself today.
Discover how much your heart can hold.
Feel good about today.
Enjoy the miracle of friendship.
Watch the sun come up.
Live with no regrets.
Encourage your sense of daring.
Take time to stretch the body and the mind.
Clear your mind and enjoy the moment.
Sometimes a smile means more than a dozen roses.
A gentle touch speaks volumes.
Discover how much your heart can hold.
Have no limits today.
Celebrate both family and friends.
It's ok to slow down.
Never stop learning.
Take the time to love the person in the mirror first.
Live in the present, not the past.
Make "someday" today.
There are new opportunities around every corner.
Be proud of yourself that you ran the race, no matter how you finished it.
Happiness is contagious.
Don't just break the mold, smash it!
Always keep the promises you make to yourself.
Believe in yourself.
Buy some flowers for yourself. (I've done this!!)

May 11, 2013
April 27, 2013