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Happy Birthday to me, Today’s Writing Woman! You made it another trip around the sun. Survived, yet again, a stressful year filled with uncertainty.  However, you have much to be thankful for, things are looking brighter, and you have much to look forward to in the coming months! 

Happy Birthday Gifts

For my special day, I am treating myself to a massage. I haven’t had one in over three years. Since the pandemic is officially over, I will finally start getting them more regularly. It is going to be a Happy Birthday indeed!

Additionally, I will order and pick up a special dinner from a local restaurant called King Kong. They have the best Greek Salads around! I haven’t had one of those in about three years, too! Long overdue! For dessert, there is chocolate cheesecake! I wanted chocolate cake for my birthday but couldn’t find any at the store, so cheesecake it is! 

VIP Packages

Also had an opportunity to mail out some VIP boxes today. Part of them are for my charity project. Several of my colleagues will be receiving those packages next week. The last box was a super VIP going to a special young lady and her mom. I hope they like them! I love paying it forward. It makes my birthday happier!

Funny story about the shipping for these. I was taking the boxes out of my car, and suddenly, there was a crack of thunder and it started to rain. Wouldn’t you know it?!! It hasn’t rained a drop for weeks, and just because I needed to mail a few things, it will rain! Just my luck, and on my birthday, to boot!

Some exciting announcements are coming up, and I can’t wait to share them with everyone. Here is a sneak peek for you! One of the announcements has to do with my charity projects! So much good stuff coming your way!

Until then, 



February 2025