BlogFEST 2012 – The Life of the Party

I grew up in a household where it was taught to be seen and not heard. I was not allowed to talk, ask questions or anything when we were in the company of others. Anytime we went somewhere, I just had to sit quietly and not interrupt the adults. I hated it, but I was trained to be a good kid; and trained well I was! I remember sitting around a lot and being bored whenever we’d go out to visit friends and relatives. I made up a lot of stories in my head to pass the time. I guess that is why I like to write these days…because all those stories are still in my head and I need to put them down on paper.
I rarely got into trouble…except for the one time I broke a glass at my mom’s niece’s house. What a disaster! It was Thanksgiving and I didn’t mean for it to happen. It was just an accident, but my parents were really mad at me. I thought I was going to get into so much trouble (like a whipping or something) that anytime anyone looked at me for the rest of the evening I cried. 
Finally, when I was old enough, my parents let me stay home. As such, I never really developed any social party skills. I guess that is why whenever I go to events or parties as an adult, I
just sit back and watch what happens since no one talks to me anyway. However, being seen and not heard does have it’s advantages! I developed my “reading” skills from a very young age. Since people rarely notice me because I am so quiet, I can pick out character types like nobody’s business! This actually comes in very handy these days when I have to go somewhere and write reviews on places I’ve been. No one suspects anything…because even though they see me…they don’t see me. 
I can’t recall any sleepovers but I do remember once telling the neighborhood girls I had never had a birthday party. Somehow they convinced my mom to let them throw me a birthday party at one of their homes. You have no idea how big a deal this was as my mom rarely let me out of the yard, let alone go over to anyone’s house. But since it was my birthday and it was summer, I suppose she felt sorry for me. The girls came over and somehow managed to talk me into going over to Lisa’s house. I really didn’t want to because I was afraid my mom would yell at me, or worse yet, ground me on my birthday. With great reluctance, I went over to see what they wanted and when I walked in the door, a bunch of the girls yelled “Happy Birthday!” and all I could do was hold my face in astonishment. There on the kitchen table was a cake and presents…all for me. Not a single friend had ever done anything so nice for me up until that point. I was so happy, I cried. The only bummer part is that I spent the entire time thinking I was going to be in so much trouble with my mom that I don’t think I really enjoyed myself very much.
I’d tell you about last year’s work holiday party, but I don’t want to bring that up again as it is another moment I’d like to forget. Suffice it to say, I spent most of my time holding up the wall with my husband and then ate dinner with a group of people who really didn’t want me at their table. I wasn’t going to go this year, but I think I am going to have to because one of the other girls in the department isn’t going. I so do not want a repeat of last year, but I guess I won’t have a choice in the matter. Maybe I will wear a mask and see if anyone notices πŸ™‚
So if you want the truth…I am definitely not the life of the party. I’d rather stay home, eat popcorn and watch a movie. I am a lot happier these days though…if I break a glass, I can always go out and buy a new one!

Wishing you moments “life of the party” moments!

 Susan's Blog Signature

This blog was written as a part of BlogFest 2012. Check out Jenn’s post – she’s the host today! Please click on the picture below for more information!

Liked anything you see here? Then contact me, Susan Dusterhoft at [email protected]. I am always looking for more books/products to review. I can also provide assistance with blog writing!

11 thoughts on “BlogFEST 2012 – The Life of the Party

  1. How wonderful that your friends did that for you!! That has to be such a memorable experience…but you are right–the fear of getting in trouble would probably dampen things a bit. Okay–so here's the thing…the next time I come to the west coast-we're having a PARTY!! That's right πŸ™‚ We'll have to invited Sylvie (Shannon)along to plan things–but that's okay!! We're going to have a great time !!

    Cheers, Jenn.

  2. Wow. Kudos to those girls for throwing you a party! I love it and wherever they all are I hope they're livin' and lovin' life to the fullest. Boo to your mom for making you feel that way. πŸ™ I couldn't imagine growing up like you did. I come from a big, LOUD, Italian family and breaking crap is a given on practically every day of the week! C'mon over to my house. We'll throw a big party and smash all the glasses you want! πŸ™‚

  3. I'm pretty okay with who that is, too and I think not being a party person is just fine. A lot of people really don't enjoy parties and I have kind of lost my taste for house parties. Too many people, too small an area…but a summer party outside, I'm all in!

  4. I love the surprise party that you friends threw for you. You are one lucky girl. Sometimes company party can be boring if you are not sitting with the people that you work close with.

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