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I slept in this morning; if you could call 6am “sleeping in”. Most days I am awake much earlier. Today is Saturday and we are officially in the holiday frenzy known as “Thanksgiving Weekend Christmas Shopping”.

This year it started earlier than expected; Thanksgiving evening to be exact. Who are the retailers kidding? Surely they can’t possibly think the American public will fall for these advertising ploys?

We did…well, some of us did. Not me, of course, but some of us did. So what did the 2011 Black Friday and Saturday sales bring us?

  • People were camped out for days to get the “great deal”.
  • Some stores opened earlier than ever before.
  • A woman peppered sprayed a bunch of people at an L.A. area Walmart for an XBOX 360.
  • A man was shot outside a San Francisco Bay area Walmart for refusing to give up his purchases to some robbers.
  • A 54 year old grandfather was “subdued” at another Walmart when police suspected him of suspected shoplifting. He claims he was trying to help his grandson who was trampled in a chaotic frenzy to get to some video games.
  • Someone else was stabbed outside a Sacramento Mall.

Oh, and let’s not forget the “Occupy” People blocking entrances to the various malls. Now I just have to ask, was it worth it?

As for me, I took a more novel approach to things this year. I shopped early, mostly online, and will fill in whatever items I need by shopping locally. I think it is important to support our local businesses.

Today, on the way to a fun event, I stopped at one of the local stores that were actually open early for the sales. I didn’t need much, but was interested in seeing all the holiday items. When I reached the check out line, I made it a point to actually say “Thank You” to the gal ringing up my purchases. I know she was really tired because she had been there until 3:00am and was back there again at 9:30am when I was there. She actually smiled back at me and told me “Thank You!” I think she was truly surprised. I just wanted to make her feel good because I know that all of these employees at this establishment work hard for less than what they deserve. Someone needs to tell them “Thank You”, and I wanted to be the one to do it. I walked out of the door with a smile on my face. I want to remember this day as the day I said “Thank You”.

©Susan Dusterhoft 2011

Afterwards my husband took me to a neighboring town so I could watch Santa and Mrs. Claus come into town on a boat along the river. While hundreds gathered for this event with their children, I just wanted to be a part of a town tradition. It made me feel young, alive, and happy…something I haven’t felt like in quite awhile. Besides, I really love this time of year!

Who wouldn’t, right? But the truth is, for the last couple of years I haven’t liked the holidays. I think I was depressed, or at the very least, disappointed in myself and my life. Nothing was the way it was suppose to be. But things are better now. I am starting to feel a shift in things, for the positive.

©Susan Dusterhoft 2011

But I digress…you should have seen it today! There were hundreds of children lined up with their parents and families just to see The Family Claus. And what an arrival it was! I was as giddy as a child myself! And I was even able to take some really cool photos of them on their alternative means of transportation. And they weren’t even strapped in! Good thing the boat wasn’t going that fast – no wake in the river!

Here’s wishing you all a wonderful and relaxing holiday season. And remember, if you have to go out and shop, please remember to say “Thank You” to the person who has to ring up your sale. They’ve made the ultimate sacrifice in order to be there to serve our needs.

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This post is written for The Writer’s Post Blog Hop# 24: Your Choice. Interested in learning more, please check out the link below!


February 2025