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As I think about all the great things I have experienced in the last year, there is one thing that I wished I had found sooner in my life. From time to time we all need to receive a little encouragement. Even me! I found that I need to visually see that “I can instead of hearing you can’t”.  Since we have the ability to be instantly connected, it is not difficult to take a moment to seek out something uplifting. 

Links to Encouragement

What may prove to be challenging is to find the resources that give us that encouragement we need. With that in mind, I have made a little list of a couple of places to seek out those words of wisdom when we need it. So check out the links below and seek them out as often as you need them.

Rosehill Designs by Heather Stillufsen – Don’t be fooled by the word “Designs” in the title. Ms. Stillufsen inspirational drawings are amazing and worth looking at on a daily basis. She has the ability to tap into what today’s woman is really thinking about and provides the right words to let us know everything is going to be okay.

Ann Voskamp – If you want something more spiritual-based, check out Ms. Voskamp’s page. She has a personal website.  As a writer I can appreciate her written words. Perhaps you will too.

Proverbs 31 Ministries – Another spiritual-based site providing everyday wisdom to women on their spiritual journey, and for those of us who just need to gain another perspective on things. 

Encouraging Quotes – A Facebook page designed to give strength and encouragement to those who are feeling down due to whatever life is throwing at us. 

Final Thoughts

encouragementWe may not always get that “pat on the back” whenever we want, but there are always places to go where we can get an instant pick me up when we need it. Keep this list with your cell phone or tablet, and use it as a handy reference. Remember, we all need to receive encouragement but sometimes we don’t always get it from the boss, your family or friends. Discovering other places to get it from lets us know that we are not alone in our thoughts and there are others out there that feel the same as we do.


Wishing you moments to discover places to find encouragement!



February 2025