I’m sure the reason I am not in a good frame of mind is because I have so much to do at work and can’t get it done. I would go into the office, but no one in my department is working and I think my better half would be a little annoyed with me if I spent another weekend working.
With that being said, I have no ambition to do anything else that needs to be done. Unfortunately, I had to go out and get groceries and other things. Plus there is laundry to be done, a house to clean and dishes to be washed.
Let’s talk about the adventure we call Saturday shopping. I can pretty much tell you that if you don’t go out early in the morning. You’re automatically get aggravated because after 10:00am, everyone gets out on the road and drives like maniacs…on a Saturday! Apparently 75mph is not fast enough, because the guy in the pickup truck tried to run us over.
Children running around the stores with their parents completely oblivious, bicyclists on the road acting like the own the place, cancelled appointments, the threat of no water in two months…arrrgghhh! Enough! ENOUGH!!!!
How much more can a person take? No wonder I am aggravated! I think I’ll go back to bed.
Wishing you moments to not get aggravated,
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