I love January. It is a time for accomplishments and new focus. For me, the month is half over, and at first I didn’t think I had any accomplishments. Once I thought about it, I realized that I actually did get quite a few things done.
As I sit here on January 15th, I am thinking “half the month is over and what have I got to show for it.” However, with further contemplation, I realized that I have:
- already gone through several stacks of magazines to save what I wanted, and recycled the rest (hallelujah!);
- put away some of the Christmas decorations; not all mind you, because I like keeping several things up until the end of January;
- taken a load of stuff to the Goodwill (that alone was a big weight off my shoulders, lol!);
- thrown out a bunch of garbage, including boxes, miscellaneous trash and other things that tend to pile up because it’s Winter and raining out (Yes, I did say rain…I live in Northern California after all!);
- sorted out my investment documents so I can meet with my guy next month;
- put much thought in what I really desire to do this year;
- cleaned off my sewing table so I can put it away today; and
- found my reading material so I can start in with that again to post my book reviews (can’t believe how far behind I am on that!)
Wow! I guess I have done a lot more than I thought!
New Focus
Since we are only 15 days in, I feel pretty good about all of my accomplishments. Now if I can keep up with that, maybe I will end the month in a better place than when I started.
It’s the beginning of another year, and for the last few, I have like to give myself a focus so I can stay on track. Only mildly successful with that because something always gets in the way, this year, I think I might have a better chance. So, my goal for this year is to return to what I love doing the most and that is reading and writing. I feel as if I lost track, and to be honest, I really miss it. So hear’s hoping to more books and more reviews so I can get my name out there again.
Here’s to wishing you an opportunity to get a few accomplishments under your belt, and giving yourself a new focus for the year!