Many thanks to Jenn at Wine-n-Chat for honoring me with my very first blog recognition – The Liebster Award. I am truly humbled that you picked me as one of your five intended recipients. I am amazed at the caliber of writing professionals who are a part of the various blogging groups of which I am a member. Although I have been writing for years on a personal level, this is my first venture into publically sharing any of my work. While it has been slow going at first, I am now starting to make headways into making this a full-time career.
I appreciate all the comments I’ve received and the support given to me from friends and family and associates.
I feel lucky to be a part of this amazing community of writing professionals and want to congratulate the other four winners in my group, Langley, Kathy, Kay and Ralph.
Now, it is time to award my own Liebsters. In order to be a recipient, one must have less than 200 followers. And most importantly, please be sure to bestow your own Liebster Awards and include a link back to the one who gave your award. So without further ado…it is with pleasure that I give my Liebster Awards to:
Darlene Owens Cirinna, Darlene ~ Bloggity ~ Blogger
Daphne Steinburg, Musing & Amusing
Kathy Thompson Combs, The Giggling Truckers Wife
Paula Martin, Paula Martin – Romance Writer
Congratulations to my winners and thanks again Jenn for my Leibster Award.
Please be sure to check out The Writer’s Post on Facebook! It’s an awesome group of bloggers!