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Midnight…the quietest time of the day, the most peaceful time of the day. All in my house are slumbering while I am up greeting my old friend. Midnight…half way between the dark and the light.

Most of us should be asleep for hours, but sometimes for me…not so. The dark should frighten me, but sometimes for me…not so. The light should beckon me, but sometimes for me…not so.

I long for the quiet. I long for the peace. I long for the dark. I long for the light, but not just yet…tonight.

Standing outside, the silence and the darkness provides comfort like my favorite blanket wrapped around me, keeping me safe from all that hovers above. Most evenings, I rarely see the stars in the sky as the fog drifts in off the Pacific Coast adding to the allure of Midnight.

Midnight oh Midnight, why do you beckon me so? I need to rest yet your call keeps me awake, reminding me of those nights long ago when sleep for me was so elusive. How can I not answer? You were such a true friend back then as you are now; always there for me, consistently and without fail. Maybe you know something I do not. Maybe somewhere deep down, I need you more than sleep this night.

Midnight…halfway between the dark and the light. Surround me with quiet, bring your peace and share your comfort with me…again…tonight.

From Signature

***I have written this piece for a group on Facebook that I recently joined, GBE 2: Blog On. Interested in more…click on the picture below to take you there.


February 2025