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Are we sure this is an original story? I swear I saw this as a Hallmark Movie on television last year. Wait! Yes, I did and the movie was called Snow Bride. Hmmm…
Seriously, with just a few small changes, Christmas Embrace by Emily Walters is almost exactly like Snow Bride. Since the movie was released in 2013 and this book has a publication date of 2015, I have to wonder. Despite the similarities, as a writer, I was attracted to it merely because the main character is a writer. Frankly, how could I not read this one? 
I had to really concentrate on this because I had the movie running through my head and the details of this kept getting mashed up between what I had seen in the film versus what was being read on the page. Fortunately for me this was a quick read, and unlike the movie, it had an interesting twist at the end to make reading through to the last page worth the effort.
I found it a little disappointing that the description of the book gave too much of the story away. The cover does not accurately represent the characters ages either. When reading Christmas Embrace, I got the impression that the characters were slightly older and more mature. The adults pictured appear a little too fresh-faced for me. 
It was nice to see the main character, Sarah Armstrong, grow a backbone. However, the other female characters are polar opposites. Mrs. Clouse is too much like Mrs. Clause, and Eva is pure evil. Interesting that the names are so close to the descriptions I have just given them. The brothers were predictable and since there was a dad in this versus the movie, I’ll refrain from commenting. 
If you have not seen the movie, then this wouldn’t be too bad of a read. However, if you have seen the movie then bypass the book. Rating:

Wishing you moments of great reading!

Like anything you see here? Then contact me, Susan Dusterhoft at [email protected]. I am always looking for more books/products to review, and other writing assignments!


February 2025