Many of my readers know that I love a good romance story. This was my first opportunity to read something from Ginny Baird and I was looking forward to The House at Homecoming Cove. While I only knew it was a part of her Romantic Ghost Stories Series, I did not know to what extent the “ghost story” would play into it.
The book had all the right components of one of the traditional love story themes. Girl runs away from a bad relationship, meets a boy and they fall in love. Throw in a beautiful house and landscape, add some strange happenings and you’ve got the recipe befitting of paranormal romance.
The story is written with exceptional detail, almost too much detail for me however. While it is important to set up the story, an excessive narrative can lose a reader. I found myself skipping over numerous passages. This is no way diminished the story in my eyes, but rather projected me to the important parts where the detail painted a picture so vivid and real that the scene jumped off the page and danced before my eyes.
I loved the fact that the heroine, Melissa, was artistic and creative, and the hero, Stone, was strong and sensitive. Clearly they are fated to be together, and the house holds the key that will seal their relationship. However, it did not take me long to realize that The House at Homecoming Cove shared similarities to three films of memory, “The Ghost and Mrs. Muir,” “The Good Witch,” and oddly enough, “Mystic Pizza.” While I don’t believe this was intentional, knowing the back stories within the latter two movies took away some of the “mystery” of this book and left me a little disappointed.
There are definitely some exciting moments in The House at Homecoming Cove, but you have to get through the detail to find them. The story’s title is apropro as it is definitely a homecoming for both Melissa and Stone. I look forward to reading more stories from Ginny Baird. Rating:
Wishing you moments of great reading!
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