TWW’s Book Review: Poppi and the Rainbow by Olga Kilicci

When Poppi woke up one morning, feeling ill and out of sorts, he looked in the mirror and realized that he was all grey.

Poppi asked all his friends and one by one they offered reasons to why he was in such a state and solutions to fix it. From taking a bath to painting him to feeding him colorful food. Nothing seemed to helped.

Poppi was really sad so he sat down and then it started to rain. All of the sudden the ground started to shake and rattle and out came a beautiful rainbow that took Poppi on a ride. As he rode along the beautiful rainbow he bounced and surfed and tumbled while the rainbow splashed him with colors. He had so much fun. His new pal, Ray the Rainbow reminded Poppi that laughter keeps the grey away.

Another excellent book that teaches children that laughter really is the best medicine to keep the blues, or in the case, the greys, away! Rating:


Wishing you moments of great reading (to your children!),

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