Time for Fall Garden Cleanup

While my husband is recuperating from a nasty cold, I decided to go outside and take stock of my front garden. Here in NorCal, it is still sunny and warm even though it is October. Nevertheless, I am ready for my Fall Garden Cleanup. 

Fall Garden Cleanup Includes Harvest Time

Today, I am harvesting. This year we had a bumper crop of tomatoes due to some rogue plants that germinated mid-summer. Instead of growing straight up, it grew into a massive bush. And because of some early rains, the snails and slugs returned and ate many of the fruit that was on the vines. I thinned out what I could, picked what was ripe, and left a few more unripe fruit on the vine.

Fall Garden Cleanup - Unplanned Tomatos
  What’s left after I cut away 2/3 of the vine.

Garden Haircut

I love ornamental grasses such as Mexican Feathergrass, Purple Fountaingrass and Blue Fescue. The only problem with these is that they tend to get a little wild in my small space. So Fall Garden Cleanup includes hair cuts for all the grasses. It pays to have a sharp shears or scissors otherwise you’ll end up with a blister like the one I got on my thumb! A nice pair of garden gloves also helps.

Fall Garden Cleanup - Haircut
      Feathergrass after a haircut!

Slow Down and Enjoy the Moment

Gardening is very cathartic for me. It is a chance for me to get out my frustrations. I clear my mind from all the stresses in my life and get back to nature. It is my place to zone out and find my “ahhh moment” in the craziness of the day. I think that it is important to slow down and enjoy the moment. I’ve missed so much of that during my younger years. Now, I am treasuring them.

At this time of year, I also like to think about what worked and what did not work in my garden. I also plan my fall/winter decorations, but most of all, this is my time to really clean up all the detritus that still remains at the end of the season. Once I am finished, I feel so much better because my garden is cleaner, and ready for what comes next…holiday decorations!

Wishing you moments to enjoy your garden!

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