I could write a dissertation about this, but I won’t. I’m trying to stay positive. So with that being said, here’s what came to mind when I saw the topic in The Writer’s Post:
I remember a line in one of my favorite movies that goes something like this, “I gotta right to sing the blues.” Does anyone remember what movie that came from? It’s a very funny movie…starring Kathleen Turner and Dennis Quaid…can you think of the name yet?
It’s Undercover Blues! And you simply must watch it! Frankly, I think this is Kathleen Turner’s best role she’s ever portrayed. And, Dennis Quaid…well, look at that smile of his and who wouldn’t want to watch this movie.
And don’t forget about Stanley Tucci who plays a wannabe thug named Morty/Muerte. Seriously, that guy has me rolling on the floor. You could actually play shot games every time he says the line, “My name is Muerte!”
I tend to watch this movie when I need to lift my spirits because it always seems to make me smile, laugh and feel good by the time its over.
If you get a chance, rent this movie on Netflix or get a copy from Redbox, Blockbuster or wherever. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.
This post is written for The Writer’s Post Blog Hop# 32: The Blues. Interested in learning more, please check out the link below!