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I’ve been slowly putting out my decorations for my favorite holiday of the year. It seems like it gets harder and harder for me as this special time comes ’round. Not enough time or ambition or simply that I just don’t care. I’m about three weeks behind right now.
This year, though, I was actually able to do more than I had intended. I put up several trees. A 6′ one in our bedroom, my Charlie Brown tree, a 3′ tree downstairs and my advent tree. Pretty impressive if I do say so myself! The tree in our bedroom has all my special ornaments, including my Barbie and Santa collections. There are several lighthouses, snowmen, old fashioned Beach Cars and even Hogwarts Castle! This is the first time in years that I have been able to put up so many trees and I am exhausted because it is a lot of work
I also found all of my Snowglobes. I can’t believe I have over 12 of them! I thought I only had a few. I guess I forgot about a couple of them…more like 10!
I still have a bunch of things I want to do, but if I don’t get them done then…oh well. I can only do so much and there are only so many hours in a day.
Today I prepared the cookie dough to bake some cookies. Didn’t actually start the cookies, but I did get the dough mixed and its rolled into tubes and ready to be baked.That starts tomorrow after work. 
In the meantime…I am exhausted from all the Christmas preparations. I do a little bit every day. It’s just easier that way.  At least I got my cards done and mailed and my packages shipped. Edward’s packages are wrapped. I can’t ask for anything better than that. At least today. Right now though, I am super tired and need to call it a night.

Wishing you moments to enjoy your Christmas preparations!

Like anything you see here? Then contact me, Susan Dusterhoft, at [email protected].


February 2025