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Happy New Year to all my readers! Here’s to a fabulous 2017 and moving forward! Are your ready for it? Another year and another opportunity to start over, right?! But wait a minute…I have a thought to share.

Hello 2017

When we wake up every morning, isn’t that our chance to start over? 24 hours have gone by and it is a new day. Another moment to make things new, different, and better than what was previous. What is in the past is in the past. Let it go and move forward. 

I know that sometimes I have a hard a hard time letting go and moving forward. But last year was rough for me and I realize now that if I had let a few more things go, maybe it would have been a little easier. This is my opportunity to make 2017 better. 

Moving Forward into 2017

So how am I going to do that? Well, for starters, I think I am going to let go of a few things that have been taking so much of my time. You’ll probably laugh when I tell you this, but spending time on computer falls into that category. While I need to be on the computer, it’s how I spend my time on it that is really important. Instead of “wasting” time doing unproductive things, I am now choosing to be more engaged with my computer by writing. To me that is really important because I want to leave my legacy on the world.

Another item on my “let go of” list is the volumes of stuff of have accumulated. I deemed 2016 as my year of The Great Purge. I did a fairly good job, but there is so much more I need to do, so I will continue on in 2017 with more purging and divesting of things that no longer bring me joy. It is a slow process, and I need to be mindful of the choices I make. At some point in the future, I know we will be moving, so I only want to take those things that are precious to me.

How Will You Let Go

We spend so much time hanging onto to the things that really don’t bring us any joy. Why not make 2017 the year to really purge those things, ideas and anything else that is holding you back from being the person that you were meant to be. Let’s make 2017 the best year yet.

I know that 2016 was rough for many of us, but we can learn from it and take those lessons into the new year and beyond and make the most of every single day we have. #embrace the changes to come, be happy and respectful towards one another. Most of all, take each day and make the most of it.

Let’s Start each day in the best way possible. Wake up every morning and say thank you! To help you, I humbly offer you a way to do that, buy purchasing a copy of God In Your Morning, a daily devotional to help you welcome the day by welcoming Him into your life. You can find the book at Proverbs & Wisdom. This another site that I contribute to and I hope you can take the opportunity to check it out.

I look forward to writing more and sharing with all of you in 2017. Happy New Year everyone! Yes…indeed. It will be a happy new year for all of us, but only if we make it happen! Go out and do that!

Wishing you moments to reflect and renew!



January 2025