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To some, the concept of a bucket list might seem daunting. Others may think it is nothing more than an expanded version of the New Year’s Resolution. As for me, well…I never really thought much about it as I always have a list of things I want to do. Whether a chore, something fun to do, or going to visit a fabulous place, the list of ongoing things I want to accomplish ebbs and flows depending on my mood and the time of day.

For example, I have been saying for over a year that I didn’t want to own a Kindle, and now, I think I want to become the proud owner of one of those devices so I have unlimited access to #8 below. So much for my staunch vow of ever owning one of those things! The good news is that I try to keep an open mind about things and constantly update my list for more fun and sometimes not so fun things I want to accomplish.

Frankly, I’d rather just take my bucket and go to the beach!

But, for the sake of putting myself out there, I will share with you some of my list that might be interesting:

1. Pay off all of my debts.In progress
2. Get a real job so I can pay off my debts and have some fun. DONE

3. Be a mom. The conventional way isn’t going to work, but I am working on another plan!
4. Own a house.
5. Finish my novel. In progress
6. Get my novel published.
7. Continue to write as much as possible. In progress
8. Read as many books as possible.

  • Read books outside of normal genre. In progress
  • Write weekly book reviews. In progress

    9. Become a published writer (online or in print). DONE
    10. Take a Cruise. DONE
    11. Visit a Caribbean Island. DONE
    12. Visit all the Hawaiian Islands:

    • a. Big Island
    • b. Maui
    • c. Oahu
    • d. Kauai DONE

    13. Travel overseas:

    • Visit Australia.
    •  Visit Italy. 
    •  Visit Ireland.

    14. Learn to play the violin.In progress
    15. Play the guitar again. Already took lessons, just need to start playing again!
    16. Take a yearly vacation with my husband. (I guess I have traveling on my mind!)
    17. Give back to my community and help people as much as I can. In progress
    18. Be happy every day. In progress
    19. Live life to the fullest every day. In progress
    20. Love as much as I can. In progress

    I live a pretty simple life nowadays, and my needs and wants have changed over the years. What I wanted when I was younger, I don’t want now and what I didn’t want then, I want now. Some days I feel like dumping everything out and starting over, but this is what makes life so interesting and challenging!

    I’m sure I will go back and update this list from time to time, but for now, I think I will just leave it as winter is almost upon us. This is the time of year that I go into semi-hibernation and do some of the things on my list that I didn’t post here. Hmmm…where do I begin? Maybe I should just put the bucket on my head and take a nap!

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    ***I have written this piece for a group on Facebook that I joined, GBE 2: Blog On. This is week #28 and the topic is Bucket List. Interested in more…click on the picture below to take you there.


    February 2025
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