I have been a book lover since I was old enough to read. It seemed that there were never enough books to keep me satisfied. The older I got saw me leaning towards one genre versus others. As an adult, I began to write and started sharing reviews of the books I read. My blog turned into a website, and allowed me to begin a whole new chapter in my life. However, there was a time not so long ago where life got in the way, and books no longer satisfied me. I fell away from my two loves. Everything felt stale and boring. Life was overwhelming, and I was no longer enchanted by the written word.
Now I am back, and have decided to start doing the things that brought me so much joy. I know I was stuck reading the same genre for many years. By doing so I limited my world. If I was going to read something different, I knew I didn’t want anything to heavy, or overwhelming. I like non-fiction, but there are so many sub-categories: crime, fantasy, romance, science fiction, western, inspirational, historical fiction, and horror.
The Reading Room
Nothing interested me, until I stumbled upon the Duchess of Cornwall’s Reading Room, and saw this book. There was something inside me that said this was the book I wanted to pick up and read as well as write a book review. It was the best decision.
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy expanded my view of life and reignited my love for reading. Delivering a message that anyone would understand, I knew instantly that you didn’t have to be a child to get it. After the first several pages I asked myself, “Why have I not heard of this author and this book before?” I was truly amazed.
Book Review:
The story accompanied by the illustrations communicates to the reader without extraneous words. From the moment you view the pages, you will know where Mr. Mackesy is going. Such a simple story for such turbulent times. Without question, every single person should read this. If you don’t get it, then I challenge you to read it again. You will get the message.
I loved this book, and I am proud to have this in my collection to read again and again when I am feeling low. The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy receives my highest rating:
Wishing you moments to read a good book!