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I’ve been reading a collection of different British authors and have found for the most part, I like them, but sometimes the slang used in the stories is a bit much. I did not find that with the dialogue in Carole Singer’s Christmas. I did notice, however, some of the traits of the characters were a bit over accentuated. Almost to the point of wishing I could jump inside the pages of the book and throttle someone. While admittedly frustrating, the desire to keep reading was just too overwhelming as I found myself not wanting to put the book down to see if Carole would do it for me.

When you are a romance reader like myself, you pretty much have seen it all. Carole Singer’s Christmas by Emily Harvale took that concept to a whole other level. I am used to odd pairings, jilted lovers, right one but wrong time, triangle relationships and everything else you could think of, but one woman and three guys? A little hard to believe, even for me. 
I knew almost instantly where I wanted this book to go. Any woman in today’s modern world would also feel the same way. I am glad to see that Ms. Harvale agreed. While inwardly, I would have kicked two of Carole’s options to the curb instantly, it was nice to see Carole grow a backbone and come to the realization on her own. Overall I thought the story wasn’t bad. I would have liked to see an epilogue to get a bit more closure with some of the ancillary characters. Rating:

Wishing you moments of great reading!

Like anything you see here? Then contact me, Susan Dusterhoft at [email protected]. I am always looking for more books/products to review. I can also provide assistance with blog writing!


February 2025