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Dog lovers rejoice! Here’s a great children’s story about a black lab puppy named Moka and how she becomes a “water dog”. It’s clear that this little cutie loves her new family and spending time at their cabin in the mountains. There is so much to do and investigate at the lake, and Moka is just having so much fun playing with Ethan and Lucas, except for one small thing. She won’t get in the water. 
The boys’ father thought it would be a good idea to get Moka a floating toy to play with in the water. Once that toy hit the water, Moka took off running on the dock and flew into the water….Moka never had so much fun. It was like she was bred to be in the water like all other Labrador dogs.Go Moka, the Water Dog!
What a great children’s book! As a former dog owner, I can attest to the fact that the behavior shown by Moka was spot on. The book shares a great message of love and friendship. The story is beautifully illustrated and is easy to read. I love the clean lines of this book; the large text on one page and the illustrations on the adjoining page. Unlike other children’s books that I’ve read, where the text can sometimes get lost within the picture, this one is definitely easy on the eyes. Great for grandparents and kids alike!
Especially enjoyable are the activities at the back of the book. A note for parents: make copies of these pages so that the kids can do them more than once! Brilliant idea Mr. Stevenson! Can’t wait for future editions from the The Dog on My Feet Series! Rating:

Wishing you moments of great reading!


Like anything you see here? Then contact me, Susan Dusterhoft at [email protected]. I am always looking for more books/products to review. I can also provide assistance with blog writing!


February 2025