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It’s time to share some year-end thoughts again. What happened to 2021? As we inch closer to 2022, I can’t help but wonder in amazement how I made it through another year of this crazy pandemic. How did we all get this far really? It has been two long years, and we are about to enter the third year of this mess.

Year-End Thoughts

I think it helped to not think about the pandemic specifically.  As I sit here and reflect on the last two years, I have to be honest with myself. I had too many other distractions to get upset over the fact that we have lived a quarantine lifestyle through much of 2020-2021. I lost my job, had to find a new one and the final decision of where we were going to move to was based on where I could find employment.

As many of you know, we ended up in Nebraska. I found an amazing company to work for, and it was the best decision I could ever make to take this opportunity. My new job brought a new set of challenges my way and I have had to work super hard to overcome many of them. Making mistakes along the way, I think I have faired pretty well.

Health Challenges

My year-end thoughts have included our health issues we faced throughout 2021. While we are slowly mending, there are more challenges ahead. Luckily the healthcare system here is one of the best in the country. I truly believe that God led us here for this very reason.

It has been stressful to navigate these stormy waters. It sucks getting older. In my head I don’t see ourselves as “old”, but in years, we are not spring chickens anymore. Thank goodness we have an amazing team of healthcare providers, and feel we will get through to the other side of all this relatively unscathed. 


For the most part, I try to not think about what was going on in the world. That doesn’t mean I don’t have awareness. These last two years have been upsetting, and I have chosen to not write on certain topics; keeping many of my opinions to myself. It’s a trait I learned growing up, and has served me well. Don’t get me wrong! I have shared my thoughts on a lot of what is going on, keeping them inside the walls of my house, and within the confines of my small family.

More Reflections

As I reflect on the past two years, I realized that I have completely forgotten why I created this website. I love to write about the things that bring me joy and I have not been able to do that. So, I have made some decisions for the coming year. Part of those decisions include spending less time finger swiping through my social media feeds, and more time doing the things I love, including reading books and writing reviews. I can’t begin to tell you how far behind I am on that front! It was one of the reasons I began this website, and it has been years since I have done any of the sort. 2021 will be then end of the finger swipe with 2022 being more turning of the page. 
As the sun sets on 2021, my hope for 2022 remains steadfast for:

  • The pandemic to be over;
  • Continued improvement in the health of my husband and myself;
  • Peace and kindness to spread throughout the world like a wildfire bringing the end of all the strife we have been experiencing as a country; and
  • Time with our family instead of just talking to them on the phone or via text.

I am tired of being sad, and even more tired of crying over all the lies that were told to me over the years, and really over the sleepless nights. I am ready to finally pursue all the things that I have made sacrifices for and been waiting on for all these many  years.

Thank you for all of your support, and wishing you all that you dream for in 2022!



February 2025