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There is just something about walking on the sand as the waves come in from the ocean and slap the shore. Visiting Pismo Beach is something that I wait for all year long. During those years, when we don’t visit, I cherish the memories and make my guy take me to our coast so I can get
Today’s walk was a bit different, since my foot and ankle are really giving me trouble, and my fairly new tennis shoes are toast, I had to rely on my walking stick to help me across the sand to the water’s edge. Since we are staying at the Sea Gypsy Motel, we walked along the beach north of the pier. Totally different vibe over on this side.
We watched a bunch of athletic souls playing volleyball and working out. No beach bunnies here, this group was totally hardcore.
I was hoping I would meet some 4-legged friends and I wasn’t disappointed. Meet Baby and Pepper, two really cute and very friendly Chihuahuas, with more energy than humanly possible!

There is never a dull moment at Pismo…here are some other memorable moments:
1. The young kid talking with his grandmother…”But I’m hungry!” “How can you be hungry? You’re always eating!”
2. Meeting the Surfing Goats! Yes, I did say the surfing goats! Meet the family below:
Now I know you probably don’t believe me when I say surfing goats, but seriously…watch this:

Wishing you moments to make memories!
Like anything you see here? Then contact me, Susan Dusterhoft at [email protected]. I am always looking for more books/products to review. I can also provide assistance with blog writing!


February 2025