With everything that has been going on in my life for the last several years, I have to admit that I really let myself go. And, it’s embarrassing.
I used to be in great shape. I was a dancer in high school and college. I lifted weights. I was buff. Then life took over and I lost sight of myself and what was really important. While I have had a litany of stupid “why does this have to happen to me” health issues, my problems are not that insurmountable. I just need to be diligent in the way I handle things.
But I am back now!
Over the last several months, I have been doing some testing on food intake, water intake and other liquid intake. I can definitely feel a difference in my body when I eat certain things and when I drink certain things.
The biggest difference I have experienced is the difference way my body feels when I drink soda and when I don’t drink soda. As much as I love all types of soda, the bottom line is that it doesn’t love me anymore. When I drink it, my body feels lethargic and in all honesty, is in pain. When I say pain, I am talking about joint pain in my hands, feet & ankles, knees etc. I have made a concerted effort to drink more water and I am feeling better…slowly with the help of some joint medication that I have to start taking again. I stopped taking the medication because I got lazy and look where it got me…nowhere. I’ve learned a valuable lesson here. No more soda and lots more water.
As far as food intake, I have to admit that I tend to be the “Carb Queen” in my house. With that being said, I believe that has been a real problem for me. I have to limit my carbohydrate intake and increase my protein my leaps and bounds. I’m working on it. It’s very hard to switch the mindset, especially with the “Chocolate Princess” is whispering in Queen’s ear!
So why the big change? Well, I am tired of several issues that have been plaguing me for the last year. And now I am ready to tackle them head on. That and the fact I am going to see my doctor in a couple of months. I promised her that I would make some real changes and now I need to do that.
So, I’ll keep you posted on my journey to a healthier me. Hopefully it won’t be too painful!
Wishing you moments of great health!
I am participating in the Blogging from A-Z Challenge for April 2012. Today’s post is for the letter H.
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